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What Is A Charlotte Mason Homeschool?

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If you are thinking about homeschooling your children, you may have heard of the Charlotte Mason method. But what is it?

charlotte mason homeschool

Who Was Charlotte Mason? What did she believe in? How can her ways be beneficial to your family? 

This blog post will explore all of these questions and more. 

We will examine what Charlotte Mason homeschooling entails and discuss the pros and cons of this educational style. 

Plus, we will provide you with some helpful resources to get you started!

Who was Charlotte Mason?

Charlotte Mason was a British educator who lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. She strongly advocated for educational reform and believed that all children deserved a quality education, regardless of their social class. 

Mason’s educational philosophy was based on the idea that children should be taught using living books and real-world experiences. 

She believed that rote memorization and drill were ineffective teaching methods and promoted a more holistic approach to learning.

What did Charlotte Mason believe about education?

Mason believed that education should be based on three principles:

– “Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life.”

– “Education should be cumulative .”

– “A child’s mind is a garden to be cultivated .”

What was Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy?

Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy was based on the following three principles:

– Education should be an experience or a holistic approach to learning that engages all of the child’s senses. 

– Education should be cumulative, which means it should build on what has previously been learned. 

-Finally, a kid’s mind is like a garden and requires stimulation from various disciplines and activities to grow.

What does Charlotte Mason’s homeschooling look like?

Now that we have a basic understanding of Mason’s beliefs about education let’s look at this in practice. A Charlotte Mason homeschool curriculum typically includes the following:

– Copywork/dictation

 – Students copy passages from classic literature

-Short Lessons (5-15 minutes for younger kids. up to 45 minutes as they become older.) 

-Living books. These are basically books that are not textbooks and books that aren’t twaddle. 

-Oral narration

-Study beauty subjects like art and poetry

-Nature Study

Why is the Charlotte Mason method so popular?

The Charlotte Mason method is popular because it is based on the idea that learning should be fun and hands-on. 

Children are taught using living books instead of textbooks, which allows them to learn about the world around them more interactively. 

The Charlotte Mason approach also encourages parents to take an active role in their child’s education by participating in field trips and nature walks.

What is a Charlotte Mason Homeschool?

A Charlotte Mason homeschool is a homeschooling approach that follows the principles of Charlotte Mason. 

It is a more holistic approach to education that focuses on using living books, nature studies, and hands-on learning experiences.

How can the Charlotte Mason method benefit your family?

The Charlotte Mason method can benefit your family in many ways:

  1. It encourages parents to take an active role in their child’s education. This allows children to learn about the world around them with fun and interactive lessons.
  2. The Charlotte Mason approach is cumulative, meaning that skills are taught over time and built upon as children progress through school.
  3. This educational style teaches values and morals, which can benefit children as they grow.

What does a Charlotte Mason homeschool look like?

A typical Charlotte Mason homeschool curriculum includes the following:

– Language Arts: Reading, writing, grammar, copy work

– History: Local history, biographies, read-aloud

– Math: Basic math skills, logic puzzles, money concepts

– Science: Nature studies, experiments

– Art: Drawing, painting, sculpting

– Music: Singing, listening to classical music

What are some downfalls of the Charlotte Mason method?

One downside of the Charlotte Mason approach is that it can be time-consuming.

Parents must be prepared to devote much time and resources to this type of homeschooling. 

Additionally, not all children thrive in a Charlotte Mason environment. Some students may struggle with the lack of structure and need more drills and practice to master basic skills.

What are some resources for homeschooling with the Charlotte Mason method?

If you are interested in learning more about the Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling, here are a few helpful resources:

– The Living Education website offers a wealth of information on all aspects of the Charlotte Mason method. They offer online courses, printable curriculum guides, and many articles and blog posts.

– The CMHomeschool Facebook group is a great place to connect with other parents who use the Charlotte Mason method. This group is active and has over 20,000 members.

The Ambleside Online website is another excellent resource for Charlotte Mason homeschoolers. This site has a massive selection of free reading materials, including books, lesson plans, and unit studies.

The Charlotte Mason Institute is an online resource that offers courses, webinars, and a yearly conference on all things Charlotte Mason.

Charlotte Mason’s homeschool style may be suitable for your family if you want a more holistic and hands-on educational approach. 

However, it is important to do your research to see if this style of homeschooling will fit the needs of both you and your child.

 Many resources are available to help you get started, so don’t be afraid to ask for help!

What do you think? Is the Charlotte Mason homeschool style suitable for your family? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Do you homeschool using the Charlotte Mason method? Share your experiences in the comments below! 

And be sure to check out our other blog posts on homeschooling styles and approaches. Happy homeschooling!

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