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21 Ways to Tame the “Terrible Twos”: Why They Aren’t Terrible and How to Make Them Terrific!

21 Ways to Tame the “Terrible Twos”: Why They Aren’t Terrible and How to Make Them Terrific!

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terrible twos

The “terrible twos”, a time that can feel like pure chaos for parents and toddlers alike. But why are they called terrible?

Are the toddler years that bad? Actually, no. The twos are just a time of learning and growth. For toddlers, it’s when they are starting to learn how to communicate and express themselves. And for parents, it can be a time of trial and error as we try to figure out the best way to help our kids grow and learn. This blog post will discuss 21 ways to tame the “terrible twos” and make them terrific!

Why do people think the toddler years are so terrible?

There are a few reasons why the “terrible twos” get such a bad rap. For one, it can be a challenging time for both parents and toddlers. Toddlers are starting to learn how to communicate and express themselves, leading to some chaotic moments as they figure out what they want and don’t want. And for parents, it can be a time of trial and error as we try to figure out the best way to help our kids learn to express themselves. Additionally, the “terrible twos” coincide with the potty training years, so there’s that too!

But despite all of this, the toddler years aren’t terrible.

They’re just a time of learning and growth. For toddlers, it’s a time when they learn to communicate and learn more about their world. And for parents, it’s a time when we learn how to better communicate with our toddlers and help them navigate through this new stage of life.

As moms, if we look at the toddler years as terrific instead of terrible, it will change our outlook.

21 Ways to Tame the terrible twos:

Be patient and understanding. The twos is a new stage for both you and your toddler, so be patient as you both figure it out.

Offer plenty of encouragement. Let your toddler know that you believe in them and that they can do anything they set their mind to.

Set boundaries and stick to them. It’s essential during this time to establish rules and limits so your toddler knows what mom expects of them.

Give lots of positive reinforcement when they follow the rules or exhibit good behavior. Rewards (such as stickers, privileges, etc.) are a great way to do this.

Be as consistent as possible with your rules and expectations so your toddler knows what to expect from you.

Stay calm. When things get frustrating, it’s essential to stay calm and not let anger take over.

Model good behavior. Toddlers learn by watching us, so make sure you set a good example for them.

Let them explore. A big part of the terrible twos is exploring their world and learning new things. So allow them to do this in a safe and controlled environment.

Take breaks when needed! Life can be challenging for both parents and toddlers, so don’t feel bad if you need a break now and then.

Try to have some fun! The “terrible twos” don’t have to be all work. Find ways to have fun with your toddler and enjoy this time in their life.

Have a set routine for your toddler. There will be less push and pull when a toddler knows what to expect.

Be a good example. As we said before, toddlers learn by watching us. So make sure you are setting an excellent model for them.

Spend time one on one with your toddler. Playing is a great way to connect with them and help them feel loved and supported.

Give them plenty of space to see their world. Let your child explore and discover new things on their terms.

Get down on the floor and play with them! Playing is a great way to connect with your toddler and have some fun together.

Don’t focus on the misbehavior. Focus on good behavior instead. Toddlers will test boundaries. That’s just part of the territory of the “terrible twos”. But if you focus on good behavior, it will make things a lot easier.

Don’t give up! The twos can be challenging, but it can also be an enriching time with patience and understanding.

Give your child ways to communicate, sign language, words, etc.

Reframe from having too many rules.

Make sure your child is eating healthy. What we eat really does affect our moods.

Limit screen time at this age. Too much screen time can cause a toddler to become overstimulated and have difficulty regulating emotions.

So these are just a few tips to help make the terrible twos more terrific! Every child is always different, so what works for one might not work for another. But if you try some of these ideas, we’re sure you’ll see a big difference in your toddler’s behavior. And remember, it’s essential to stay positive and have patience during this time – it won’t last forever! 🙂

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