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How to Raise Children Who Are Not Lazy

How to Raise Children Who Are Not Lazy

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What is laziness? 

Laziness is being unwilling to work or use one’s energy. Idleness is also another word for laziness.No one likes to be around someone who is lazy. Someone who comes over and doesn’t help you after you cook a meal for them or someone who works for you and doesn’t do what they’re supposed to do. It is true that oftentimes adults will feel lazy but being able to put aside our feelings and do what needs to be done is an extremely important quality to have.

Why should you raise children who are not lazy? 

This quality begins when your child is young. People, in general, can be prone to laziness if it’s allowed to grow. But teaching your child how to not be lazy is important for them individually. This is so they learn how to develop a good work ethic. If someone is lazy then they’re not going to expel the energy needed to excel and continue to put in the effort to get somewhere that they want to be as they grow.

Everything that you do in life will take effort. If a child learns early on how to have a good work ethic and not be lazy then they will be more willing to work as they grow older. They will work for their dreams and work to be helpful as well. Your child will also be more willing to see what needs to be done and how to be helpful to those around them as well as society.

When should you start teaching your child a strong work ethic? 

You should start teaching your child about having a strong work ethic as soon as you can. When they are toddlers encourage their helpfulness around the house. You can teach them how to clean up after themselves and how to be helpful to other people. It doesn’t have to be anything major. If you don’t believe in teaching chores you don’t have to add chores but you can encourage your child to be helpful in the place that they live and around them when you go outside of your house.

How to Raise Children Who Are Not Lazy 

Focus on Helpfulness Early On

Start really early and focus on helpfulness. This doesn’t mean adding a bunch of chores to their life. This means encouraging your child to help you if you need help with something. An example would be folding laundry. It doesn’t have to be perfect (and it won’t be!) but your child can learn how to do it. Teach your child to make their bed or straighten up the table after dinner. These are all simple tasks that a young child can learn how to do and will eventually become a habit leading to a stronger work ethic.

Stay Consistent 

Consistency is key to everything when it comes to parenting. As adults and parents, it’s tempting to be tired and not want to stay consistent with our children. 

But the reason it is so important to stay consistent with our children is that they learn what to expect from us when we are consistent.

If we are not consistent with our reactions to their behavior they will learn that they can get away with certain things at certain times. They will continue to push their boundaries because they know that once they push the boundaries they can get what they want. 

This is equally true for raising children who are not lazy. Stay consistent with what you expect out of your child. This will help your child know that there are certain things that are expected of them and they will start doing them without being asked. Sure they may need to be reminded every once in a while but for the most part, if you’re consistent, your child will be consistently doing what they are expected to do.

Teach Simple Chores to Give Them Confidence

You don’t have to give your child a whole bunch of chores. But you can start simply by cleaning up after themselves at the dinner table. This will give them confidence and help your child realize they are a member of the family who is expected to help.

I tell my children all the time we all live in this house which means we all need to help take care of it. Chores do not have to be anything big. They could just be expecting your child to clean up after themselves, take their toys back to their room or playroom when they’re done. This will give them confidence in knowing where they stand in the family, that certain things can be done by them and those things that are done by them are appreciated.

Provide Moments For Imagination 

Children need to be able to exercise their imagination. It’s okay for them to be bored.

They do not have to be entertained all the time. Provide moments for their imagination to take place.

This will keep them from staying idle all day long. Idleness leads to laziness. The more we are lazy the more we want to be lazy. Have you ever experienced this as an adult? I have noticed that when I put off doing something that needs to be done then I am less motivated to pick it back up. But if I continuously put in the hard work at what I need to do then I will become more motivated to get done what needs to get done.

If you’re teaching your child not to be lazy one of the best places to start is teaching them how to use their imagination. This will open up doors of creativity that you can never imagine.

Don’t Jam-Pack Their Days With Activities 

Try to refrain from jam-packing your child’s day full of activities. You do not have to plan every moment of the day from the time they wake up to the time they go to bed. Give your children the freedom to explore their imagination and figure out what they love. When they’re able to explore their imagination and do things on their own then they will. They will no longer be expecting you to plan their days full of fun. Children will realize they can take initiative and be in control of their day.

Be a Good Example 

The best place to start with anything when it comes to our children is leading by example. If you don’t want to raise lazy children then you need to look at yourself first and see if you are lazy.

Now I know everybody has lazy days. But are you willing to put in the hard work of what needs to get done? Are you willing to be helpful to other people? These are all things that our children see and our actions are a better teacher than anything.

Be Mindful of Their Examples 

What are your children watching? What are they reading? Who are their examples? Be mindful of who they’re taking examples from every day.

Are your children watching a show where a child is back talking to their parents and you see that they are starting to backtalk to you? This actually happened to us.

But because I was mindful of what she was watching and how it correlated with her actions towards me I was able to put a stop to her watching this television show. Does your child watch a show where the child is lazy? Do you see that they’re starting to become lazy and not want to do what they’re supposed to do? Be mindful of who your child influences and examples are as they grow. 

Why it’s Important Not to Raise Lazy Kids 

As parents, we are responsible for our children. No, we cannot control everything that our child does. We shouldn’t even want to control her children. We should be a safe place where they learn how to be the best version of themselves and grow up to be kind, considerate, and helpful members of society and their families. If your child is not lazy then they will see that anything is possible and they can achieve their dreams. All it takes is hard work and motivation.

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