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Interactive Games That Kids LOVE!

Interactive Games That Kids LOVE!

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Does your child love games? If so, you are in the right place! I have children who absolutely love to play games, especially Miss S. There have been times when we would play for hours and hours. This article is going to explore interactive games that kids love!

You may have thought about game schooling if you are a homeschooling mom. Is that even a thing? Yes! I have known families who primarily use games for their homeschool, and it works!

We are not full-fledged gameschoolers per se; we still have lessons, books, crafts, etc., that we do throughout the day. However, I have taken this year to be more intentional with sitting down and playing games with my kids, especially since they love it!

What can a child learn from playing games?

  • Social skills
  • Patience
  • Endurance
  • Math
  • Reading
  • Collaboration skills
  • History
  • Science
  • The art of winning gracefully 
  • How to lose without becoming bitter

There are many concepts that children learn while playing games! I encourage you to explore all the many options out there and see for yourself, especially if you want to add more games to your homeschool!

Looking to Gameschool? Here are Interactive Games Kids Love! 

We have started our homeschool year recently and have been enjoying new games! Here are several new games that my kids have fallen in love with. 

Genius Star

This logic game will have you scratching your head and saying, I want to try it again! There are two starboards and over 100,000 ways the puzzle can be solved. While Genius Star can be played individually, it is more fun with two people! Race against one another and see who can finish the puzzle first. You will want to play it repeatedly, even as an adult, especially if your seven-year-old beats you every time. Mine does! 


Tenzi is a dice game perfect for sharpening those math skills. It is fast-paced and competitive. The game comes with four sets of 10 colored dice. 

Rolling the dice as fast as possible and adding the numbers up is necessary! There are so many ways to play Tenzi. 


Buildzi is another game in the Tenzi family. It is a similar concept, except this time, you are using blocks. 

There can be four players; each gets eight cards telling them which blocks they have to use. The goal of this game is to be the first one to build your tower without it falling over! The suspense is the best part of this fun game. 


When we bought Outfoxed! We played the game four times in a row. It is a unique take on the classic Whodunnit games. Players work to figure out the clues on which fox ate the pie. 

The catch? You have to figure it out before the fox reaches the end. Otherwise, you lose! I haven’t heard my kids giggle as much as they did during this game in quite a while! 

Penguin Huddle Up

Penguin Huddle Up is simple yet so engaging. There can be up to four players. When you choose your players, the person to your left has to put them on the board for you.

Once the game starts, you aim to get all your penguins huddled up together first. Kids of all ages love this game. 

Rapid Rumble

Rapid Rumble is a fast-paced and challenging game, even for adults! 

The concept is to be the first to lose all your letter cards. There are four categories and a timer. The letter cards are divided between all the players, and then the first player rolls the dice and flips the category card. 

Once the timer starts, your goal is to put down as many letter cards as you can by coming up with words that start with those letters that fall into that category! 

Let me tell you, even though I am a 35-year-old woman, I still was stumped while trying to figure out a word to fit each category. 


Itzi is another game that falls into the Tenzi and Buildzi category. It is similar to Rapid Rumble, except it’s not quite as tricky. 

This game gets the wheels in your brain turning as you go through each category card. The goal is to put your cards down as fast as you can while naming certain things within a category. For example, name an animal that starts with a C! Cat, coyote, cow, chipmunk, and more! 

This is an excellent game if you and your kids love thinking on your feet. 

Phase 10 

If you love classics, then you will love Phase 10. The first time I tried to explain the game to my children, they didn’t want to play. They were sure they would not like it. I encouraged them to try, and it turns out momma was right. 

They love it! 

The basic concept of Phase 10 is to be the first one to complete all the card phases. This game can last a long time, so if you choose to play it, clear your afternoon and get ready for plenty of laughs and competitiveness.

Try a New Game Today

New games are fun for kids and adults alike. If you are searching for a new game to add to your family game night or homeschool, the interactive games that kids love on this list are full of fun times! Tell me, what is your favorite game to play with your kids? 

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