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Motivate Your Child To Clean Their Rooms Peacefully

Motivate Your Child To Clean Their Rooms Peacefully

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Getting your kids to clean their room is a common question for most parents. 

How can you get them to clean without putting up a fight? With these five simple tricks, though, you can get your kids to clean their room without any trouble!

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1. Offer an Incentive

Some parents do not like to offer incentives, and that is okay! Cleaning should be a part of a person’s everyday life because if we are being honest, to function well as an adult; you need to know how to clean up after yourself. But to teach your child the benefits, offering an incentive isn’t always a bad thing. You do not have to treat with money; you can offer a small treat or a few minutes of electronic time. 

2. Have An Organized Space

One of the biggest problems with kids’ rooms is that there’s so much stuff in them! A great way to get your kids to clean their room is to re-organize it by having a “place for everything, and everything in its place.” This way, they know where everything needs to go. Decluttering is also a huge help. In addition, it will be easier for your kids to find what they want and pick it up when their room isn’t cluttered.

3. Don’t Clean Your Kid’s Room Yourself

This one might seem like a no-brainer, but too often, parents will find themselves picking up after their kids because it’s “easier.” Kids will naturally pick up after themselves if they know that it has to be done and that nobody will do it for them. But if you continually clean for your child, they will see no point in doing it themselves. 

4. Use a Timer

If all else fails, a timer can help set deadlines for when kids have to clean their room. For example, tell your child they need to clean their room in 5 minutes or by 8 pm so you can vacuum. But what if the child doesn’t do it before the timer goes off? When you give your child choices, it puts the ball in their court. For example, tell your child they have two options. Clean their room before the timer goes off or lose privileges (such as screen time.) If they do not clean their space, then they choose option number two. This takes the ball out of your court and puts it on your child. 

5. Lastly, don’t nag them

Words of encouragement might go a long way in motivating your kids to clean their room. Rather than nagging or reminding them repeatedly to pick up after themselves, offer positive praise when they do it on their own without you asking them to. 

Final note: It’s important to remember that kids learn by example, so if you want your kids to clean their room on their own, they need to see you doing it yourself; cleaning up after yourself is also an excellent habit for kids to get into since they will likely keep this habit well into adulthood!

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