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How to Create a Frugal Meal Plan

How to Create a Frugal Meal Plan

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How to frugally meal plan for a larger family.

Meal planning. Did you just cringe at those words? I cringed writing them. I am not a planner. It is so difficult for me to PLAN anything. I’m more a fly by the seat of your pants person.

But … flying by the seat of your pants is horrible on your wallet. It also doesn’t work well when you have three pairs of little eyes and one pair of grown up eyes looking at you around 5 o’clock, like helpless cats begging to be fed.

You’ve surely see that one meme – the one that says ” I hate when I’m waiting on mom to cook dinner and then I realize I am the mom and I have to cook dinner.”

I mean, I’m surely not old enough to be doing this adulting stuff, who put me in charge?

Oh but the facts remain, we are moms, we must plan. So plan we do.

If you are going into the new year, hoping to be able to kick your habit of NOT planning (ahem, me) then please join me! We are moms, hear us roar! and plan dinner, frugally.

What is Frugal Meal Planning?

Okay, I am sure you know this one. But just in case you don’t (hey, you just never know.) Here goes.

Meal planning is planning out your meals for the week, month, or year (I have yet to meet someone who does this, but if you do please teach me your ways!)

Frugal meal planning is planning out your meals for the week or month in the cheapest way possible.

I know it sounds unfathomable but eating does not have to be expensive. I have rounded up the Peaceful Nest’s most popular posts on frugal meal planning all in one place to help you out. (You’re welcome 🙂 )

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    What do you need to get started with frugal meal planning?

    • A pen
    • A piece of paper (or your phone)
    • and a budget
    • It also can help to have a meal planning binder. Here is a great one that can keep your list, recipes and ideas all in one place!

    That’s it (I know it’s super simple.) There are a few extras you can use, but don’t worry, I cover those in the posts below.

    Here are a few tips on how to meal plan like a boss before you get to the actual good stuff (sample meal plans you can tweak for your families.)

    1. Sit down with your spouse and take a hard look at your budget. If money is tight, are there extra foods you are always buying, but you can go without?
    2. Figure out your essentials for every week or month; milk, butter, coffee, etc.
    3. Look for a grocery chain that helps you save. Aldi has wonderful prices, Kroger has digital coupons and a rewards program.
    4. Use coupons. Are you new to couponing? You can find great tips from the Krazy Coupon Lady.
    5. Use apps like Ibotta and Ebates to save.
    6. Write out your grocery list week or monthly. STICK TO IT! (This is a struggle for me.)
    7. Have faith in yourself, you can always try again the following week!

    Meal plan like a boss with these tips and cheap plans.

    The Last Thing You Need to Know about Frugal Meal Planning

    You are not going to be perfect at this meal planning thing. I can’t tell you how many times I have gone over budget on accident at the grocery store. But with careful planning and dedication, it IS possible to live frugally. If this is your goal, know that I believe in you momma! You can do it.

    Do you have a tip for frugal meal planning? I would love to hear it!

    Read: 12 Habits of Immensely Peaceful Moms

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