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Mom Interview: Raising A Blended Family

Mom Interview: Raising A Blended Family

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blended family

Welcome to the Peaceful Nest Mom Interview Segment! Today’s mom interview is with Christa, a mom of 6 children. She gets honest in this interview about raising a blended family.

Most of my readers are moms, who are in the midst of this parenting gig.

I love to give out advice, but there are some topics that I just can’t offer knowledge on because I haven’t been there.

I also look at mom advice as a good pair of jeans. It’s never a one size fits all. What works for me may not work for you!

That is why I decided to start a segment on the blog that feature interviews and guest posts from other mommas. Maybe you are a momma raising 4 kids under 5 like our guest today. Maybe you have a blended family or you’re raising children unexpectedly later in life, whatever your circumstance may be, my hope is that as more moms share their advice and experience, you will be able to find something that really resonates with you.

Whether it makes you laugh or reminisce and say, hmmmm been there, or yes! finally some tangible advice. My desire is to have a large array of advice for you from moms who have been there or who are there now!

If you want to be interviewed for a guest post or have an idea in mind that you would love to talk about on the Peaceful Nest Blog, send me your ideas here! I would love to hear them!

Raising a blended family, Mom interview with Christa.

How long have you and your spouse been together and how many family members do you have?

We have been married for 26 years and we each came into the marriage with three children.  So 6 children, all who are grown and have families of their own.  We have 16 grandchildren.  

What is the best part about being a blended family?

The best part of being a blended family is figuring out that you don’t have to be biologically related to love one another and consider each other family.  The next best thing is having all the kids under one roof!  

God gave me the privilege to “mother” the other three on a daily basis, which deepened my love for them.


What was the biggest struggle you have faced as a family or individually, and how did you overcome?

I would have to say the family as a whole unit did not experience any different struggles that a non-blended family would have. 

On the other hand, the hardest thing I experienced was not having my 3 children all the time. 

I really grew at that time to trust God with his plans for my life and their lives.  Only with God’s help was I able to overcome the intense feeling of failure I had as a mother. 

God gave me the privilege to “mother” the other three on a daily basis, which deepened my love for them.  

How did you and your spouse build relationships with your step-children?

Because my spouse had full custody of his 3 and was in the military, my day was consumed with taking care of them, so I naturally built relationships with them that way. 

My husband had to be a bit more creative with my 3 because they were not always under our roof.  Since my boys were the only boys he “had” he bonded with them over stuff like hunting, fishing, and cars. 

The most impactful effect my husband had on my 3 kids was his unconditional love for them and his tenderness.  My husband is not an authoritarian parent, which was in stark contrast to their father, so they received a completely different form of parenting.    

When it comes to stress as a family, what steps do you take to combat it?

We pray and trust God first and foremost.  We then work to maintain good communication skills with one another.  

Do you receive any unwanted questions or advice, and how do you field them?

Occasionally I would receive questions that were meant to point out that I was not their “real” mom and I would usually respond with something like “this is true, I didn’t give birth to all of them, but I sure do love them all like I did”. 

Most times people would comment that it never looked like we were “stepparents”.  

Kids are smart, they know when an adult isn’t interested in really getting to know them, give them no cause to believe that about you.


What advice would you give a newly blended family?  

I would say the same thing I would tell new parents, always make your spouse a priority, and I would also tell them to have a ton of grace for one another and really learn how to communicate effectively with one another. 

Relationships take time and effort, so put the time and effort into those relationships with your spouse’s kids.   

Kids are smart, they know when an adult isn’t interested in really getting to know them, give them no cause to believe that about you.  

Related: Mom Interview, Raising 4 Kids Under 5

Thank you so much Christa for being a part of our mom interview segment! If you have a question for Christa about raising a blended family or another mom, drop a comment below!

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