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Parenting is 100% Hard.

Parenting is 100% Hard.

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I wrote this post about 4 years ago.

It has sat in my draft folder for 4 years. I no longer have just 2 children but 4. However, these words about parenting still ring true.

Last night my husband and I stayed up too late watching television.

We never stay up late. Our bedtime has routinely become 9 pm or even earlier, especially on nights when we are both completely and utterly exhausted.

Last night though, we stayed up too late. First, we watched our show. 

Then we decided to stay up and watch Captain Phillips. 

We had seen it before but thought, “what the heck? Our daughters are great sleepers. They are in bed. Tomorrow is Saturday. We can sleep in.” 

I’m sure God was laughing at me.

Our daughters are typically in bed between 7-8 pm.

Yes, I am that Mom. The one who believes in the supreme importance of a decent bedtime for children. 

I have seen firsthand with my children that sleep begets sleep. 

The earlier they go to bed, the longer they sleep in. The later they go to bed, the earlier they wake up. 

It’s absolute insanity. But it is the truth.

So last night, when we hit the sack, I believed I wouldn’t have to wake up again until the next morning.

 I had been asleep for maybe 30 minutes when a tiny voice woke me up. “Mommy. My legs are cramping.” I ushered our oldest into bed, and Daddy went to get the ice pack.

Our five-year-old is almost 4 feet tall. She grows at a rapid pace. Every few months, it seems she is in the middle of a growth spurt, with her legs cramping. It typically lasts a day or two.

Daddy inevitably grabbed the wrong ice pack. When I returned with the correct ice pack, my girl and I snuggled for all ten minutes.

Then the restlessness began.

I liken co-sleeping with my oldest daughter to trying to sleep with a fish caught in a net. So much flopping. Flipping. Turning. Jerking. Tumbling. 

I honestly don’t know how other families co-sleep. I cannot do it. And I do not like anyone touching me while I’m sleeping. 

The wiggling keeps me awake. Finally, after about an hour, I decided I had enough of B squirming, of opening my eyes to see her staring at me, and of my hair getting caught under her as she tossed and turned.

“Baby girl, I think you would be more comfortable sleeping in your bed,” I whispered.

“No, I like it here.” She whispered back.

“Okay, sweetie, Mommy cannot sleep with all your wiggling. So I am going to go sleep on the couch.”

After five minutes, I was settled on the couch, about to drift away.

“Mommy.” I heard. “I am going to go back upstairs. You can go back to your bed.” 

I honestly didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

My husband slept through the whole thing.

It never fails. When I stay up late, those are the nights my children wake up in the middle of the night, needing me. 

When we have to be out of the house at a specific time, those are the times my children are slow as a turtle.

It. Never. Fails.

But this is Parenting. Right?

Raising children is not easy. It is not a walk in the park. Parenting is not for the faint of heart.

Yesterday, my two-year-old refused to put on a diaper. She thinks she is ready to be a big girl.

Yet, she will not touch the potty. No matter how much I try to bribe her. 

So she wants to run around in big girl panties without the effort of learning to use the potty or listening to her body. 

That is why I know she is not ready. But stubborn that girl is. So I let her wear big girl panties.

It lasted all of 10 minutes.

All chaos ensued until she had an accident on our kitchen chair during lunch.

Four little girls were talking or crying simultaneously, and I was trying to pry my two-year-old off the chair so I could clean the pee off her and the chair. But, of course, that stubborn two-year-old wanted to keep those sopping wet panties on. 

She screamed, cried, and kept pulling them up. Of course, I said no, and I could finally pull them off her. I gave her the option of a diaper or more panties. Thankfully she said diaper.

I didn’t feel like wiping up more pee. 

I clean up enough bodily functions daily with four kids and three animals running around.

Her accident reminded me of a great deal of parenting.

Think about it.

Often during Parenting, we want to hold on so tightly to something that we know we need to let go of for the betterment of ourselves and our children. 

I don’t know what that may be for you, but I know that every parent has to decide to let go of something. In my daughter’s case, it was gross, wet panties.

Last year for my family, it was extra income so I could stay home with my kids and home school them.

 Has it been difficult? You better believe it. 

Living on one income is not a piece of cake. It takes dedication, budgeting, and a whole lot of prayers. But we do it.

For other people, it may be giving up the expectations of your children. 

It could be giving up sleep so you can spend more time with your kids, spouse, or even more time in prayer. 

For others, it may be sacrificing the big house and fancy car for a smaller one so that you can spend more time with your kids and less time at work.

 Maybe it is expectations of yourself as a parent or spouse. 

Or expectations of your spouse as a parent and partner.

Whatever it may be, it’s possible to let go. It is possible to parent without the expectations you set on yourself.

Here is the thing about Parenting. 

It’s messy. 

And it’s hard.

It’s frustrating.

Parenting is also rewarding.

And fun.

And such a blessing.

Parenting is 100% worth it.

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