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When You’ve Overscheduled Your Child

When You’ve Overscheduled Your Child

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When You’ve Overscheduled Your Child: 5 Ways to Know

Many parents overschedule their kids, but overscheduling can have negative consequences. How do you know if you have overscheduled your child?

If you are overscheduling your child, here are five ways to know so that you can get back on track.

You feel like you are always running around to different activities and never have any time to relax.

 Downtime is essential to the peace in your household. However, you cannot keep a peaceful home life if you are constantly overscheduling your child in activities and running them around to different places.

Your child is cranky and exhausted from all the activity.

Kids need time to be kids. They need time to run around and explore without having a structured activity every day. When they are overscheduled, they do not get this opportunity, leading to crankiness and exhaustion.

Your child is not getting enough sleep.

A lack of sleep will cause kids to be moody and have trouble focusing. In addition, when a child or an adult is overtired, it becomes difficult to fall asleep peacefully.

You are not able to spend time with your spouse or partner.

If you are overscheduling your child, the chances are good that you are not spending enough time with your spouse or partner. This is not healthy for a relationship and can lead to tension with your spouse.

The quality of your child’s schoolwork or social life has decreased.

When a child is overscheduled, they often do not have enough time for homework or to spend with friends. This can lead to poorer schoolwork and social lives.

If you are overscheduling your child, it is essential to take a step back and reevaluate your schedule.

 There are many benefits to having downtime and peaceful home. When you take a step back and reevaluate your schedule, you may start to see these benefits.

Five benefits to cutting your child’s extracurriculars :

-Your child will have more time to relax and enjoy life

-You will have more time to spend with your child

-Your child will get more sleep, leading to a better mood and focus in school

-The quality of your child’s schoolwork may improve

-Your relationship with your spouse or partner may improve.

Take a step back and reevaluate your schedule. Are you overscheduling your child? If you’re unsure, I hope these clues help you see if your schedule is too stressful for your family! 

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