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1 Secret to go from Angry Mommy to Calm Mommy

1 Secret to go from Angry Mommy to Calm Mommy

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Are you looking for ways to become a peaceful mom but you aren’t sure how?

I created a free planner for moms like me, who want to create a peaceful home but let the stress of never having it all together defeat them, because who really ever has it together? The best we can do is plan for peace and roll with the punches, right? If you want your free planner you can get it below!

1 tip to go from angry mommy to calm mommy.

You’ve been there haven’t you, momma? Maybe you woke up feeling horrible, sick, or you didn’t get a good nights sleep to begin with. You haven’t had your caffeine fix. So much is weighing on your mind. Work, bills, life in general.

Your kids are going 100 miles an hour, maybe they are fighting, then something happens. Your kid spills the milk, knocks over one of your valuables, or maybe the shrill volume of their fighting is grating you.

Whatever the it is, it happens, and you explode in 3,2,1…. like a volcano. You spew hot lava all of your family, so to speak. Their innocent faces stare back at you and either you feel immediately guilty or you feel nothing at all because you’re so angry.

Have you been there? I know I have.

You don’t have to give in to angry mommy.

Here’s the thing, becoming angry happens to the best of us. It is when we allow our anger, our infallible human to rise up and take control over our family and life, that we have a problem.

We become angry for all sorts of reasons, but the main reason is lack of self control When we don’t have control over our own lives and the circumstances, it becomes easy to feel the emotions. But what is going on in our minds and spirits, that has nothing to do with our children. We cannot allow our children to be collateral damage to our hurt and anger.

There are many reasons our emotions take over. We can combat our burn out by practice self-care regularly.

But that is not what I want to talk about today. I want to talk about the number one way you can become a calmer mom.

One way you can go from angry mom to calm mom.

The number one way I have found to go from angry to calm quickly is this.

Remember your child is a person too.

Your child has thoughts, ideas, and needs. They are human just like you.

The best advice I ever received about children came from my mamaw and my mom also says it.

“Children are just little people. They are like you and me.”

Yes children are younger, they are innocent, and they need guiding and teaching. We all still do. Because we are humans.

But children are still people, little humans. They have unique thoughts and ideas and personalities. They make mistakes just like me and you. Your children have feelings and big emotions.

Why should we fault them for it? Especially when we have such problems controlling our emotions as adults sometimes?

When Your little one makes a mistake, is angry mommy quick to come out?

How about when your child knocks over that cup of apple juice, do you snap? When she has trouble figuring out her homework, does your angry mommy spill out all over her? What you do in those moments will have an affect on your children.

If you want to start controlling your emotions and be a calmer mom, start thinking of your children the way they are. Little people.

Keep in the forefront of your mind: my child is just as human as me. Remind yourself daily if you have to.

Emotions are a part of our lives.

Every single one of us have emotions. It’s a part of live. We need to take the time to learn how to control our emotions, so that they do not control our lives and family.

You will make a mistake. You will lose your mind sometimes and snap. We all do. Our children will too. Because they are human just like us. We can teach our children how to control their emotions by learning to control ours.

When you do lose it, ask your child if they want to start over. Pride has no business in family life. So let me say it again, when you do snap and lose it, ask your child if they mind starting over with you. Ask for forgiveness from them.

This will teach them two things.

One: it’s okay to begin again. We should begin again because every one of us are imperfect humans who have emotions and sometimes have trouble controlling these emotions. That’s okay. As long as we don’t allow these emotions to control our lives. We can start taking back control by starting over.

Two: How to ask for forgiveness and how to give forgiveness. Your child will see that even adults have emotions and mess up. Even adults need to ask for forgiveness. Your child will start to see the importance of relationship over pride.

I don’t know about you, but these are two important lessons I want my children to learn as they grow from little people to adults.

The Last Thing You Need to Know About Being a Calm Mom.

Not a single parent has it all together. And if they say they do, they are lying. We all make mistakes and we all lose ourselves sometimes. But we do not have to allow these emotions to control our lives. We are entrusted with such an important job. Raising little ones.

These little ones are counting on us. They aren’t counting on us to be perfect. Because your child will love you even if you have a moment of anger, as long as you continusely show them how loved and cared for they are. No your child is not looking to you for perfection. They are looking to you to teach them.

Teach them how to be an adult. If you show them that it’s okay to be human, it’s okay to start again and it’s essential to be able to forgive and ask forgiveness, they will grow into adults who understand these important aspects of live. But if you show them that being an adult means being angry all the time and not being able to control our emotions, well then they may grow into the same mindset.

You can go from angry mommy to calm mommy. It takes work, but it’s absolutely possible!

Planners make life easier as a mom! A wonderful planner I just recently discovered is by Erin Condren. She has a variety of planners to chose from that will fit any need and lifestyle. You can check her Erin Condren LifePlanner™ out here. Right now she is having a Holiday Sale for 20% off her entire site. Start shopping here and make your life as a mom even easier. —-> 20% OFF SITEWIDE SALE.

related read: 5 Quick Ways to Make Your Home Feel More Peaceful Today

Do you have a tip to share on becoming a peaceful mom? I would love to hear it! Share your best tips below and I will share them with my readers.

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Tuesday 4th of February 2020

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