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5 Quick Ways to Make Your Home Feel More Peaceful

5 Quick Ways to Make Your Home Feel More Peaceful

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5 quick ways to make your home feel more peaceful.

We know as moms how easy it is to become burned out. Desiring a peaceful home that always seems out of our grasp. It doesn’t have to be this way though.

One thing you need to know about me, I am a type B creative personality. I also lack any natural organizational skills. It has taken alot of work on my part to continually meet the standard of peacefulness I set for our household. I want you to know if I can do it, you can do! 😉

I created a free planner for moms like me, who want to create a peaceful home but let the stress of never having it all together defeat them, because who really ever has it together? The best we can do is plan for peace and roll with the punches, right? If you want your free planner you can get it below!

Creating a peaceful home shouldn’t be such a challenge.

I’m going to be completely honest with you, it is a challenge sometimes for me to create a peaceful home. I know I’m not the only one. Have you been there? One day everything feels peaceful and easy, the next, the laundry starts piling up, you forgot that permission slip, and chaos is what you feel.

Maybe you look around your house and it looks like a volcano exploded. Peace is the exact opposite of what you feel right now. Then anxiety may start to creep in (it does for me.)

When this happens, you have two choices. You can let the anxiety take over, accept the defeat of always feeling chaotic. Or you can take control back and remind yourself that peace comes from God first. Then we can do our part to help our homes feel peaceful again for ourselves and for our families.

Here are five quick and simple ways to help your home feel more peaceful.

Tip 1: Light a candle or plug in your diffuser.

When you need a quick pick me up, lighting a candle can really help turn your day around. If you are more into essential oils, plug in your diffuser.

I am not exactly sure the science behind the affects of candles and essential oil diffusers, however I do know, in my own personal experience, I feel calmer and more at ease when I have one of these two going in my home. Scents have a way of affecting our moods and thoughts.

Tip 2: Keep one specific room tidy 98% of the time.

I said it earlier, I am a type B personality. Organization does not come naturally to me. I have to work a it. My children are creatives as well. They leave a trail of glitter wherever they go, from room to room. If we allow every room in the house to be glitterfied (is that even a word?) my anxiety, not to mention my husband’s, would eventually be through the roof.

If you are a creative, or if your children are, how do you balance tidiness with letting creativity flow? We have a specific room in the house where their toys, crafts supplies, etc. are not allowed to be in. This space is our living area.

You can pick whatever room you want. Decide which room will by your tidy area and take a few moments throughout the day to make sure the room stays as tidy as possible. This step may seem small but when you are feeling the chaos tumbling down on you, its nice to be able to go to this one specific room and feel peaceful because everything is tidy.

Also this room is where our diffuser is :).

Tip 3: Turn on calm and soothing music

My favorite thing to do in the morning is set our day up for a peaceful start. After I light my candle, I turn on soft and soothing music. This is a great way to turn your day around if you are feeling stressed or anxious.

A few benefits of calm music according to Psychology Today can be:

  • better sleep
  • lower blood pressure
  • quiets the nervous system

You can read more about the benefits of calming music here.

Tip 4: Turn off the screens

Screens and blaring sounds can lead to our anxiety levels going up. Please don’t get me wrong, we allow screens in our home, sometimes I feel too much. But I have noticed the more I limit the use, the more peaceful my kids are. Leading to a more peaceful mommy.

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, take a look around. Is the television on? Has it been on all day? Are your children getting cranky because of too much screen time? Assess the situation and if you need to, turn off the screen.

Want to read more about the effects of too much screen time? Here’s a great article.

Tip 5: Have Quiet Time

I love my children, but quiet time is one of my favorite times of the day. I love being able to have a small break for just me and my cup of coffee.

Quiet time isn’t just beneficial to you, it is beneficial to your children as well. If you stay home with your children all day or on the weekends, set aside a certain time everyday where your children either nap or do a quiet activity.

This time alone benefits your children, giving them time to recharge, as well as a time for you to relax.

Do your children struggle with quiet time or bedtime? My favorite sanity saver for our family has been the Okay to Wake clock. I set the time for quiet time and bedtime. My children know when the clock turns green quiet time is over or bedtime is over and they can start their day. Sanity saver for sure!

Creating a peaceful home doesn’t have to be stressful.

If you are feeling overwhelmed right now, use these 5 easy and quick steps to turn your day around. It is possible!

A peaceful home will help you become the peaceful mom you desire. For more tips read the 12 habits of immensely peaceful moms.

Do you have a tip to share on becoming a peaceful mom? I would love to hear it! Share your best tips below and I will share them with my readers.

Share Your Best Tips With My Readers.

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