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How to Motivate Yourself To Wake Up Early

How to Motivate Yourself To Wake Up Early

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How to Motivate Yourself To Wake Up Early

It can be tough to get up early in the morning, but with a bit of preparation and some helpful tips, you can start waking up earlier without feeling like it’s a chore. Here are the eight best ways to motivate yourself to wake up early daily.

wake up early

1. Get enough sleep

The most important thing you can do to ensure you’re able to wake up early is to get enough sleep. Most people need around eight hours of sleep per night, so make sure you’re going to bed early enough to get that much rest. If you’re having trouble falling asleep, try winding down for 30 minutes before bed with a relaxing activity like reading or taking a bath.

2. Set your alarm for the same time every day

One of the best ways to train your body to wake up early is to set your alarm for the same time each day, even on weekends. That way, your body will get used to waking up early, and you won’t be as tempted to hit the snooze button.

3. Put your alarm clock out of reach

If you’re finding it too easy to hit the snooze button, try putting your alarm clock out of reach, so you have to get out of bed to turn it off physically. This will make it that much harder to go back to sleep.

The App I use is Alarmly. It is an alarm clock that has missions you have to complete before being able to turn the alarm off. 

4. Get up and move around

As soon as your alarm goes off, get out of bed and start moving around. Don’t just sit or lie in bed – get up and stretch, do some jumping jacks, or take a quick lap around the house. The more you move, the more awake you’ll feel.

5. Drink some water

Drinking a glass of water the first morning will help wake you up and rehydrate your body. Then, add a little lemon juice to your water for an extra energy boost.  

The night before, set your coffee pot to turn on automatically if you are a coffee drinker- doing so may motivate you to taste that first sip! If you aren’t a coffee drinker, plan a treat in the morning that you look forward to—for example, yummy breakfast or tea, etc. 

6. Eat a healthy breakfast

Starting your day with a nutritious breakfast will give you the energy you need to get through the morning. If you’re not a morning person, try prepping your breakfast the night before, so all you have to do is grab and go in the morning.

7. Make a to-do list

Making a to-do list for the day can help you stay focused and motivated. Seeing everything you need to get done can be daunting, but crossing items off as you complete them will give you a sense of accomplishment and keep you moving forward.

8. Find an accountability partner

If you have trouble staying on track, find someone who will hold you accountable for waking up early. This could be a friend, family member, or co-worker. Having someone to keep you accountable will help you stay on track and motivated to wake up early.

Waking up early can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. With some preparation and helpful tips, you can transition from night owl to early bird. Just remember to get enough sleep, set a consistent alarm time, and eat a healthy breakfast to help you wake up and start your day on the right foot.

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