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100 Baby Care Tips For New Moms

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Having a new baby to care for can be daunting, whether this baby is your first child or your fourth child.

Are you feeling like a deer in the headlights? Bringing a baby into the world always feels like a new adventure.

You would think that after doing this pregnancy and parenting thing 3 times before, I would feel more prepared for this little one to make her debut. But the truth is, every time you have a new baby, there are several things you can learn about baby care!

What is newborn baby care?

This question has a pretty obvious answer.

Newborn care is simply caring for a newborn.

This can look several different ways depending on your culture, family life, and situation.

There are so many tips out there to help you with your new parenting adventure!

Do you need tips on managing a home and newborn? Here are seven great ideas.

Newborn baby care doesn’t have to feel scary.

Creating a new baby and bringing it into this world is a wondrous miracle. It can also feel scary and exhausting. But it doesn’t have to feel this way. Caring for a newborn baby can feel like an adventure where you are getting to know this beautiful human being you have now added to your family. Yes, it’s true, your child is fully dependant on you. However, you are more than capable of giving your child everything they need and then some!

100 Newborn Care Tips For Your First Few Months At Home With Your New Baby.

“Perfection only exists in babies and pastries.”

Gayle Wray

Simple Tips For the Hospital Stay

  1. Pack essentials that can make you more comfortable in your hospital bag. Some items that are great to pack for your hospital stay are: simple snacks, music that can ease you, earplugs, and comfortable pajamas (if you don’t want to wear the ones provided for you.)
  2. Stay in the hospital as long as possible after a c-section. With my third child, I had the option to come home early, because it was so close to my first daughter’s birthday and Christmas, I took the chance. It was NOT a great decision. Take the opportunity to stay in the hospital as long as possible after a c-section to give yourself time to heal.
  3. Sit on a boppy pillow! This can relieve pain.
  4. Bring a hairbrush, makeup (if you wear it), and toiletries. You may feel better with just simple self-care.
  5. Pack rubber glove and ice. This can help with pain afterward.
  6. Stay consistent with pain meds and take them with food.
  7. If you are having a c-section, start taking a stool softener a couple days before your c-section. (after getting the go-ahead from your doctor.) This can make going to the bathroom after your surgery so much less painful!
  8. Bring your breast pump to the hospital if you plan to breastfeed.
  9. Seek advice from a lactation consultant. Simply having support can make a difference!
  10. Be nice to the nurses and accept their help if you need it.

Baby Care Tips For Nursing and Feeding Your Baby

  1. Let your baby determine how long and how often they need to nurse. They know their needs better than you do right now.
  2. Make sure you are comfortable while you are nursing.
  3. Invest in a boppy pillow.
  4. Learn your baby’s cues.
  5. Position your baby nose to nipple, belly to belly when nursing.
  6. Don’t push the back of your baby’s head. This can trigger her instinct to resist.
  7. Instead, put your hand on the baby’s nape of her neck and bring her to your breast in a swift motion.
  8. If you are bottle-feeding your baby will know she has had enough by turning her head away, pay attention to those cues.
  9. Your baby may have an air bubble trapped, be sure to burp her at least halfway through the bottle.
  10. Don’t be afraid to try different nipples and bottles if it doesn’t seem to be a good fit for your baby. A fast flow can cause your baby to gag, a slow flow can cause her to suck in too much air.

Have you ever been tempted to grab the box of chocolates and hide out in the bathroom until bedtime?

You’ve been there too haven’t you, momma? Sitting in the middle of your floor, surrounded by baskets of laundry begging to be folded. And it’s not like this laundry is fresh out of the dryer. No, ma’am. Those baskets have been sitting there for five days straight, mocking you.

You look over to see your dirty dishes piling out of the sink. Your oldest child sits at the table impatiently waiting for you to help her with school work. Next to you sits your youngest child, begging you to play a game with her, laying the guilt trip on strong.

You glance at the refrigerator and remember you forgot to plan something for dinner.

It’s almost 5 o’clock and bedtime feels too far away.

Chaos. It’s all you feel. Where is peace? Is creating a peaceful home even a reality anymore?

It can be! I can help you create the peaceful home you desire for your family. As a subscriber bonus, when you sign up I will send you my free Peaceful Nest Planner. You can start planning your peaceful nest today so you have time for those darn chocolates!

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    Tips For Staying Healthy With A New Baby

    1. Do not neglect self-care.
    2. Don’t be afraid to set visiting rules that you are comfortable with.
    3. Get out of the house if you start feeling stressed.
    4. Do not be afraid to ask for help when you know you need it.
    5. Remember to eat.
    6. Be naggy about washing hands.
    7. Meal prepping can make life easier for you!
    8. Teach your older children how to properly help with a newborn.

    Bathing Your Baby

    1. Gather all the items that you will need first. (towel, baby soap, cup, clean diaper, and washcloths.)
    2. Check the water temperature with your wrist.
    3. Always support the baby’s head and neck with one hand.
    4. Keep baby warm by cupping warm water over her chest.
    5. only use a warm cloth and water to clean her face.
    6. Pat dry gently when the baby is done with her bath.
    7. You don’t need to bathe your baby every day, this can lead to dry skin. Every 3 days or so is good.

    Tips For Sleep With New Baby

    1. Using a white noise machine when your baby is sleeping can be helpful.
    2. Don’t keep baby’s room too warm, we all sleep better when it’s slightly cooler.
    3. Keep supplies stocked somewhere accessible for quick midnight changes and feedings.
    4. Don’t neglect your own need for sleep, ask your partner for help.
    5. Start a bedtime routine for your baby right away, the 4 B’s are a great place to start. Book, bath, bottle, bed. (the order is really up to you!)
    6. Yes, sleep when your baby sleeps.
    7. Teach your baby to sleep when there is noise, by allowing them to nap in active rooms during the day.
    8. Use blackout curtains for their nursery. This can help them start recognizing the difference between daytime and nighttime.
    9. When baby’s eyes are darting beneath their eyelids, they are in deep sleep. This is a great time to move them!
    10. When you get up to feed your baby in the middle of the night, avoid turning on bright lights.

    Changing Your Baby

    1. Always wash your hands before and after.
    2. Keep the diaper bag fully stocked and by the door so you are prepared.
    3. Create a diaper changing station for each room you frequent with your baby. Just grab a basket per room and place all your diaper essentials in it, diapers, wipes, pads, cream, etc. This makes quick diaper change easy!
    4. Always wipe front to back, especially with little girls.
    5. Check your baby’s skin folds to make sure and get any waste from them.
    6. Use diaper changing to bond with your baby by singing to them or talking to them.
    7. Use preventive measures when it comes to diaper rash. Don’t let your baby sit in a wet, full diaper for too long. If their skin is getting red put cream on it as a barrier.
    8. Use zipper onesies instead of snap onesies for sleeping, this makes nighttime changes so much easier!
    9. Lay a receiving blanket under your baby, over the diaper changing pad, to make diaper change clean up easy.
    10. Although normal from time to time, if blowouts continue to happen frequently, it may be time to go up a size in diapers.

    Introducing Older Kids To Baby

    1. Get your older child excited about their new sibling before she is born.
    2. Be mindful of your older child’s needs. If you know they are hungry or tired during a certain time of day, be sure those needs are met before they meet their new sibling.
    3. Give a “new sibling” present to your older children from the baby.
    4. Include your older children in getting to know their new sibling. Make them the center of attention when they meet the baby for the first time. This can be as simple as putting the new baby down, or handing them off to dad or grandma, while your older children sit on your lap or next to you.
    5. Get your older child involved in care for their new sibling, fetching a bottle or diaper, helping you feed the new baby, or rocking her to sleep. etc.
    6. Be sure to consistently explain the importance of washing hands and good hygiene to your older children when handling a new baby. (even if you don’t think they will understand.)
    7. Don’t force the sibling bond. Allow it to happen naturally.
    8. Explain the importance of being gentle to your older children.
    9. Talk to your older child about any fears he or she may have about adding to the family.

    Soothing Your Baby

    1. Swaddle your baby with a blanket that is large and thin or a swaddle blanket.
    2. Rock your baby.
    3. Don’t be afraid to hold your baby, baby’s are humans, they need the connection.
    4. Wear her in a baby carrier.
    5. Try changing your own diet if the baby is breastfed.
    6. Try a different formula if your baby is bottle-fed.
    7. Pay attention to your baby’s cues, keep track of when they eat, sleep, change their diaper, etc.
    8. Go for a walk, a change of scenery can be good for both of you.
    9. Do not overfeed your baby.
    10. Turn on calming sounds or a white noise machine.
    11. Don’t overdress or underdress your child. Dress them in the same amount of layers that you wear to be comfortable.
    12. Take a break when you need to, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

    Taking Care of Your Family and Home With A New Baby

    1. Offer yourselves and your family a ton of grace.
    2. Use a baby carrier to hold the baby and get stuff done.
    3. Create a bulk schedule.
    4. Set a timer for chores and knock out as much as you can.
    5. Give your older kids chores.
    6. Don’t be afraid to ask your spouse for help.
    7. Utilize nap time to your benefit.
    8. Use bouncy seats or swings. If your baby can see you, they may be calm and you can get stuff done.
    9. When you move or change rooms pick one thing to clean up.

    Going out with your new baby

    1. Use your baby carrier as often as you can.
    2. Keeping babies close to mom or dad can help keep them safe from germ-filled hands. (Invest in a sign that says “STOP, please don’t touch me” to hang on their car seat if it makes you feel uncomfortable. I had one with my preemie and it was worth a few bucks to keep her from germ-filled hands.
    3. Don’t keep the baby out in direct sunlight for very long.
    4. Avoid large crowds for a while.
    5. Keep diaper bag packed and by the front door.
    6. Bring a hat for your baby.
    7. Keep an eye on the weather.
    8. Start with short trips at first.
    9. Keep your car fully stocked with supplies for your baby.
    10. Feed your baby before you leave.
    11. Don’t leave the baby in the car seat without being strapped for very long. (never while you are driving!)

    Keeping your peace with a new baby: baby care.

    1. Lower your expectations on yourself and your family.
    2. Be okay with chores not always getting done.
    3. Take peace over stress.
    4. Ask for help when you start to notice signs of stress.

    Here are 13 ideas to say goodbye to cranky mom!

    14 Best Tips To Overcome Angry Mommy Today

    Habits of Incredibly peaceful moms

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