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7 Tips to Manage Your Home and Baby

7 Tips to Manage Your Home and Baby

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Having a baby or a toddler while also trying to manage your home can be exhausting and downright stressful.

You can learn to manage your home and a baby with a few simple tricks.

Is it even possible to manage a home and a baby at the same time? Yes! It is possible. Will you rock in everyday all day? No, you won’t. You will mess up, you will become stressed, and you may feel overwhelmed at times. This doesn’t mean those feelings need to be the NORM. No, you can manage your home and baby at the same time while also staying peaceful.

What is homemaking?

This is a pretty obvious question.

Homemaking is taking care of your… home of course.

Homemaking can look different to everyone. But one thing maintains true for everyone, if you have a living space your care for it falls on your shoulders (and your families shoulders.) Unless of course, you have a butler and maid.

But for those of us who don’t have this luxury, homemaking isn’t something that we can avoid all the time.

Can you even manage your home and a baby at the same time?

Why is it hard to maintain a home and raise a baby?

Many things have changed over the last 50-70 years. Women used to be able to stay home and raise their children without worrying about finances. Now, sometimes it’s a necessity for a woman to work. If you work outside the home, taking care of your home can sometimes feel like a burden that we just can’t do. When you add a baby into the mix, a needy and demanding human whose needs fall on you, housework will become even harder to accomplish at times.

But it is possible to maintain a home and raise a baby. All you need is a couple tricks and a whole lot of grace. Maybe even a cup of coffee.

Why do we put these ridiculous expectations on ourselves as moms?

I think before we tackle the issue of homemaking and raising a baby, we need to awknowledge the redidculous expectations we put on ourselves as moms.

When we become a mom, often times we start to pile up unncessary expectations on ourselves. We want to be perfect. We want other people to view us as the best and most perfect mom.


I think many times these expectations come from different places. You have society telling moms to work outside the home, help support their families, keep a spotless house and raise children who are respectful, kind and never mess up.

You have social media that tote all the positives of parenting and hardly any of the negatives.

We have expectations that are put on us from ourselves and those that we know, sometimes without even realizing it.

Have you ever been tempted to grab the box of chocolates and hide out in the bathroom until bedtime?

You’ve been there too haven’t you, momma? Sitting in the middle of your floor, surrounded by baskets of laundry begging to be folded. And it’s not like this laundry is fresh out of the dryer. No, ma’am. Those baskets have been sitting there for five days straight, mocking you.

You look over to see your dirty dishes piling out of the sink. Your oldest child sits at the table impatiently waiting for you to help her with school work. Next to you sits your youngest child, begging you to play a game with her, laying the guilt trip on strong.

You glance at the refrigerator and remember you forgot to plan something for dinner.

It’s almost 5 o’clock and bedtime feels too far away.

Chaos. It’s all you feel. Where is peace? Is creating a peaceful home even a reality anymore?

It can be! I can help you create the peaceful home you desire for your family. As a subscriber bonus, when you sign up I will send you my free Peaceful Nest Planner. You can start planning your peaceful nest today so you have time for those darn chocolates!

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    Grace is a must during motherhood.

    One of the most important lessons we need to learn as mothers is to offer up grace.

    We need to offer grace to first ourselves, and accept that we are NOT perfect. We will fail and make mistakes but we can learn from those mistakes.

    And then we need to offer grace to those around us, especially our children and spouse.

    You can enjoy being a homemaker and raising a baby.

    You may not like housework. I don’t, that’s for sure. Somedays I avoid housework like the plague. Other days I throw myself into housework like it’s my one and only duty.

    You don’t have to enjoy housework in order to enjoy being a homemaker.

    Being a homemaker is more than cleaning and chores. Being a homemaking is creating a peaceful home and comfortable environment for your family, those little rugrats that you love so much and the spouse who steals your covers, a place they can thrive and feel save in.

    I prefer to raise a baby over doing housework. But part of raising a baby is being a homemaker.

    You can absolutely enjoy being a homemaker while also raising your babies. You can manage your home and baby.

    7 Tips to Help you Manage Housework With A Baby

    Use a Baby Carrier

    Do you have a baby carrier?

    If you don’t, invest in one!

    But what about all the people who tell you that holding your baby all day will spoil your baby?

    You can’t spoil a baby. Consider this, your child spent 9 months growing inside of you. They are used to feeling you and hearing you and your heartbeat.

    These are things that comfort your baby. Trying to separate yourself from your child just because someone tells you, you will spoil them, is not worth it.

    Sometimes all your baby needs is to feel you. So strap that carrier on and get to work on those chores!

    Create a bulk schedule.

    Sometimes we don’t get housework done because we feel overwhelmed.

    Then the housework piles up and we don’t get anything done.

    Bulk scheduling can be a life saver for you!

    Create a schedule that works for you and your family, where you get a bulk of your chores done. Whether it’s while baby naps or while baby is in a carrier. Bulk together certain chores that you can knock out in no time.

    Set a timer.

    Getting motivated can be as simple as setting a timer for twenty minutes and doing what you can.

    I live by the philosophy that it doesn’t have to be perfect. We live in our home. This takes pressure off myself and allows me to get done what I can without worrying about it being perfect.

    Set a timer for a certain amount of time, maybe it’s 15 minutes or 30 minutes, then knock out what you can in that amount of time. Come back later to unfinished chores. This can also be a great time to work on your bulk schedule for chores.

    Give chores to older kids/ask for help from spouse.

    If you have older children, put some weight on their shoulders.

    There is no reason that mom has to do everything by herself. There’s no faster way to get burnt out than trying to take everything on by yourself.

    Create a schedule for your child to get chores done.

    Use a motivator like screen time or a special treat. Or you could just tell them “we all live in our home, which means we all have to help take care of it. (in case you’re wondering, this is what I do. )

    If you are married, don’t be afraid to ask your husband for help. Here’s the thing, men can’t read our minds. No matter how much we wish they could.

    Men do not think like we do. They need us to clue them in and say “hey baby, I need your help today. Do you mind doing the dishes or laundry for me?”

    Utilize nap time to your benefit

    Naptime is my absolute favorite time of the day. It always has been.

    Even when my children outgrew naptime, I still implemented “quiet time” up until recently. This gives me a break and allows me to get things done.

    When your baby is a newborn, it can be hard to do anything except shower, eat, and sleep during their naptime. But as your child grows and falls into a good schedule, don’t be afraid to utilize naptimes to get things done.

    Use bouncy seats or swings

    I try to make sure I have a bouncy seat or swing in every room so that my baby can see me while I work. They feel secure in knowing mommy is right there and you are able to spend a few minutes knocking things off your to-do list.

    When you move or change rooms clean up one thing.

    If you are switching rooms look around and see if anything needs to be tidied up. Does a book need to be put away? Maybe your floor needs to be swept.

    Whatever it is, when you move or change rooms make it a habit to clean up one thing. This is a simple way to knock out something on your chore list.

    Be sure to read some of my popular posts:

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    14 Best Tips To Overcome Angry Mommy Today

    Habits of Incredibly peaceful moms

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    100 Baby Care Tips For New Moms - The Peaceful Nest

    Thursday 11th of February 2021

    […] Do you need tips on managing a home and newborn? Here are seven great ideas. […]

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