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5 Tips for Exercising with Children at Home

5 Tips for Exercising with Children at Home

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Finding time to exercise when you have kids can be tricky. 

As moms, we seem always to be running around taking our kids to their soccer games or dance classes. But did you know exercising with children right at home is possible?

 It’s true! I’m going to share five tips to start exercising with children at home. 

It’s time to turn off that tv and grab those weights! 

Your kids will love spending time with you while you are working out, and you’ll love becoming healthier without having to leave house.

As moms, we are busy, and it’s easy to let excuses control our everyday lives. 

Common excuses we give for not working out or neglecting our health can be: 

“I don’t have enough time,” “It’s too hard to get a workout in with kids around,” or “I’m just not motivated.”

Seriously, what if I told you there are ways to include your little ones in your workouts and still make healthy choices for yourself?

 As moms, we wear many hats.

 We’re teachers, chauffeurs, cooks, therapists, etc. But we were our own person first. We get one body, and we need to take care of it.

One way to make sure you’re staying healthy is to exercise with your kids. 

It can be a fun bonding time, and it’s great for your child’s development, too! 

Here are five tips for exercising with children at home:

Tip #01: Be creative with your workouts.

There are so many workouts and exercises that you can do with your kids. You don’t need to go to the gym or purchase expensive equipment. 

Instead, you can probably use what you have around the house.

 For example, try doing squats with your kids on your back, lunges while they hold onto your hands, or crunches with them lying on your stomach. 

You can also do simple cardio exercises like jumping jacks, running in place, or marching in place.

Tip #02: Make it a family affair.

Exercising as a family can be so fun! Plus, it’s a great way to get everyone moving! 

Have each person take turns choosing an exercise for the day and then all do it together. 

You can also create races or challenges between siblings (who can run fastest from one end of the room or yard to the next. Or who can do the most squats in a minute).

Tip #03: Turn on some music.

Nothing gets the heart pumping like good old-fashioned music! So put on your favorite workout playlist and get moving. 

Not only will you be getting your workout in, but you’ll be having fun too! 

Bonus: dancing is a great way to exercise with kids. 

They love following along to the songs, and it’s a great way to get them moving.

Tip #04: Make it a game.

Kids love games, so why not turn your workouts into one? 

For example, you can create obstacle courses that they have to run through or hopscotch grids using healthy foods as markers (try making one with fruits and vegetables). 

If you’re doing strength training exercises, have them help you count out the reps.

Tip #05: Get your kids involved in healthy eating.

Help them make healthy choices by setting a good example for them. Let them see you preparing healthy meals and snacks, and let them try some of the food too! 

One of the best ways to get your kids interested in exercise is to get them interested in healthy eating. 

They may not love everything, but they will learn to appreciate healthy foods as they grow older.

Now that you know these tips for exercising with children at home, it’s time to get moving! 

Start slowly and work your way up to more challenging exercises as your kids get older. And most importantly, have fun! The whole family will benefit from healthy eating and exercise daily.

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