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How to Get Through December Without Losing Your Sanity

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December is right around the corner.

If you are anything like me, then you spend all year thinking that December is light-years away.

But then it sneaks up on us.

Before you know it, Christmas is right around the corner and December feels rushed and unenjoyable.

But Christmas and December shouldn’t be just another “thing to get through.” The Christmas season is all about Jesus, giving, and enjoying your life and family. But it’s hard to enjoy these blessings when we feel rushed and like everything is commercialized.

Christmas can be enjoyed this year. Here’s how to get through December without losing your sanity, while enjoying your family.

Is it possible to enjoy your December this year?

Yes! You may look at the upcoming weeks with dread. Is it even probable that you can enjoy this season with so much pressure and things to do?

Enjoying your December will take work. Especially if you are used to feeling rushed and stressed out during this time of year.

There’s a quote I read a couple weeks ago and it really hit home with me. “I don’t remember the presents I opened when I was 8 years old, but I do remember my mom and dad under the tree and the magic I felt.”

How true.

Do you remember what you received every year for Christmas? Was it the newest and shiniest toy? Do you remember how elaborate the Christmas dinner was or if you were wearing the most expensive dress or outfit? Chances are you don’t.

Our children need us to create a calm and peaceful atmosphere for them during this Christmas season. Why? Because home is their safe-haven. It’s where they find peace and calm in such a crazy world.

How being more intentional with the Holidays can bring about more joy.

Being more intentional with your Holiday season will help you enjoy the present that you are in.

When you enjoy the present that you are in, it’s easier to be joyful and less stressed out.

How can you beat the commercialization of the Holidays?

Related: Simplify your Christmas season this year.

There’s no getting around it. Commercialization is everywhere, especially when it comes to Holidays.

But you can beat this commercialization. How? By being okay with saying no and focusing on what is most important for you and your family.

I have a tendency to want to go overboard when it comes to my kids. I have two who have birthdays right before Christmas. And I can’t tell you how many people have told me over the years “make sure you don’t let them feel jipped during the Holidays because their birthdays are right there in before Christmas.” What does that even mean? If you have met me, then you know that every birthday is a huge deal for my family. We love to make people feel special, especially our children. But feeling special doesn’t mean spending a ton of money on fancy gifts. It’s easy to fall into the trap of needing to buy more to make the Holidays special.

But you don’t have to! You can get through December, actually not get through, but ENJOY December this year with these simple tips.

5 Ways To Get Through December Without Losing Your Sanity

Make A Plan

If you are like me, you have every intention of making a plan for December months in advance. But then life happens and you forget.

Sit down today and make a plan for the upcoming months. Your plan doesn’t have to be elaborate.

Pencil in every tradition that you love to do with your family.

It’s easy to say “oh I’ll remember that day.” But when you write down what the plan is for the month, something is freeing about it. You can plan around these days and plan in advance if there’s something special you need to get.

Are there any important dates coming up this December? Birthdays, baking days, parties, or concerts are all things you should write down in your plan.

Having a plan is helpful during life in general, let alone in December.

Focus on Others- Not on Self

This season is not about us. The Christmas season is about the birth of Christ and celebrating family and friends.

Keeping yourself other-focused instead of self-focused will help you remember what this season is all about.

A huge bonus to being others-focused: our children will take our lead and learn by example.

Because the Holidays are so commercialized, people tend to forget the true meaning of them, especially Christmas. Everyone is rushing around, trying to buy the fanciest and nicest gifts, bake the most gorgeous treats, but they are forgetting to be kind to the person they pass on the street. It doesn’t take much to smile at that stranger, open the door for the person behind you, or give up your seat for an elderly person.

Especially today, when everything in life feels hard, when you begin looking at others instead of yourself, you will become more joyful. December will stop feeling like a chore to get through and more like a blessing.

Keep Your Routine

I have learned through the years that humans thrive on routine.

Maybe you don’t like routines, that’s okay. But there’s no denying that routines propel our days forward, giving us a purpose and helps us know what needs to get done.

Continue to keep your routine, especially if you have children. Routine will help your children not feel so chaotic during this Holiday.

If you and your children aren’t feeling chaotic, then stress will hopefully fall to the wayside and you can focus on what is most important, instead of wrangling your kids.

Allow Yourself To Say No.

Become comfortable with saying no.

Sometimes our stress comes from not feeling like we can say no to a certain commitment or a certain person.

You were not put on this earth to please every single person. If a commitment feels like it’s too much, or like it will not be beneficial to your children and family, then don’t be afraid of saying no.

Remember, you are not saying no to this person to be hateful. You are saying no because you can’t right now. You can’t enjoy your December and be stress-free if you take on too many commitments.

So remember, saying no isn’t a bad thing. It’s a very freeing word when you become comfortable with saying it.

Moderation is Key

Everything in moderation. Do you know this old saying?

What exactly does this mean? And how does it apply to December?

The truth is, you can’t do everything. You cannot make every aspect of your December and Christmas Pinterest worthy. Going into debt over buying the fanciest gifts is not a wise idea. Etc.

So do everything in moderation. Has your child asked for all the most expensive toys and you feel pressure to buy them every single one? Learn to say no, and go with the one they will likely use the most. Moderation.

Did you see the prettiest spread for Christmas dinner and have a desire to make them all. But then you learn that it’ll take 24 hours to cook this meal that will take 10 minutes to gobble up, not to mention cost an arm and a leg for the ingredients? Pick one or two dishes you want to make and stick with easier sides to go with it. Moderation is key.

Do you and your family want to participate in ALL the activities but deep down you know it will leave you and your family feeling sluggish and stressed? Pick a few favorites and leave the rest. Moderation

Slow Down

Slowing down is not easy for us as humans. We live in a culture that is constantly on the move and expects instant gratification.

December is the best time to learn to slow down and “stop to smell the roses” so to speak.

Slowing down will force us to contend with the things that truly stress us out during December and in general.

Slowing down also allows us to take a good hard look at our lives and areas where we need to re-evaluate. Enjoying our families should be a daily thing we get to do. Not something we have to fit in somewhere. Slow down, doing so will bring you more joy.

Plan Activities the Whole Family Loves

Stick with the activities that your whole family will enjoy.

Do you feel obligated to go to a co-worker’s party but you know you and your family will not enjoy it? Don’t go.

What about the third Christmas dinner in one day? You know your family will be rushed and won’t enjoy the day. Don’t go.

My husband and I decided early on that we would always spend Christmas morning at our house while our children are little. We typically get together with close family that lives in the same town later in the day. But we do not travel to see family that lives out of state. Our children only have so many years to wake up and enjoy the Christmas season without feeling rushed and stressed. We chose what would work for our family. You have the authority to do the same.

Why Creating A Stress-Free Christmas is Beneficial to You And Your Family

Christmas and the Holiday season is a magical one. But if we allow stress to seep into our lives during December then it will steal our joy, peace, and the magical feeling that comes with the Holidays. Christmas is not about the fanciest gifts or the Pinterest worthy spread. Christmas is about family, our savior, and love. Teaching our children what Christmas is truly about while they are young will be beneficial to them as they grow, teaching them to slow down and enjoy life, not giving in to the commercialization of the Holidays.

Related: 14 Best Tips To Overcome Angry Mommy Today

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