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Self-Care Tips For Stay-At-Home Moms (Updated)

Self-Care Tips For Stay-At-Home Moms (Updated)

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Whether you are a working mom or a stay at home mom, being a mom is tough.

Everyone makes different choices for their families. Some women choose to work from home, some choose to work outside of the home, and some women choose to be a stay at home mom.

There is no right way to raise and shape our families. I do not believe one is better than the other. The wars we get sucked up into between mommies is somewhat silly, in my opinion, but I digress.

We can all agree that being a mom is difficult regardless, I hope. Being a stay at home/ work from home mom is what I know. I know how easy it is to become burnt out while you are staying home with your little ones every. single. day.

This is why I created a free planner for moms who want to create a peaceful home and combat burn out. You can get yours below.

Self care should be an important part of your routine if you want to keep your sanity during these long days!

I have been a stay at home mom for 7 years. During this time I have been tested and tried in many areas. I have lost my sanity and my temper a handful of times. I’m not a perfect mommy. But I have learned how I can hold on to my sanity when I feel it start to slip away.

When the milk spills, the dog is barking and the kids are arguing, how do I not lose it all the time? It has taken me a couple of years to figure it out. But it is possible to stay sane with little ones under feet all day mommas!

read: 12 habits of immensely peaceful moms.

Why Self Care For Stay at Home Moms?

When I chose to be a stay at home mom, I chose many things. I chose the dishes, the laundry, the homeschooling, and housekeeping. I chose to stay close every single day to three little ones. Yes, I know I made that choice.

Sometimes when women make the choice to be a stay at home mom, we feel because we made this choice then we are undeserving of self care. we sacrificed so much already, why not a little bit more?

If you sacrifice your self care then out will go your sanity and wits with the bath water so to speak. Trust me on this. You have to care for yourself too.

Tips for Keeping Your Sanity as a Stay-at-Home Mom

Tip 1: Get enough sleep

This one is tough for me. I love my evenings free to hang out by myself. I’m an introvert at heart. I could binge-watch my favorite shows all night. But I’m not doing myself or my family any favors by not getting enough sleep.

Tip 2: Get up before your kids

The key to getting up before your kids is getting enough sleep. When I go to bed at a decent time, then I’m able to wake up before my children and start my day on a positive note. (with my coffee, in peace!)

Tip 3: Set aside a time each week/month to do something you love to do

What do you love to do? Do you love to read? Set aside a day each week to explore your favorite book store and invest in a new, good one.

Do you love to write? Buy a journal and get alone with your thoughts each week.

Maybe you enjoy getting your nails and hair done. Whatever it is, do it.

Doing something for yourself often will help you feel good about yourself. And let’s face it, mommas, when we feel good about ourselves we are less likely to lose our sanity.

Tip 4: Don’t neglect your health

Your health is important. Your children need you around. They need to you teach them healthy habits as well. Take care of your body because it’s the only one you have.

Tip 5: Don’t take on too many commitments

Less really is more. We are not super humans even though we are stay-at-home moms or moms in general. It doesn’t mean we can do everything. Too many commitments will quickly lead to burnout. Burnout leads to frustration.

Tip 6: It’s okay to step back and start again

I use this tip all the time. If you do lose your sanity for a hot minute, step back and start again.

It’s okay to ask your children or your husband, “can we start over?” I use this with my children especially. I have gotten in the habit of asking them if they would like to start over after they lose themselves for a hot minute too.

This tip really works to bring your day back around.

Tip 7: Be gentle with YOU/Practice positive self-talk

Stop the negative self-talk. The things we say to ourselves, myself included, are actually pretty appalling. I wouldn’t say what I say to myself, to my own children.

You wouldn’t either.

And if someone did say these things to them, you know momma bear would kick right in.

Why talk to yourself negatively then? Practice being gentle with YOU. You are a human and you are precious too, you know.

Tip 8: Create a positive, peaceful environment in your home

Turn on your favorite music, light a candle, whatever it may be, and create a positive and peaceful environment in your home. Doing this will help you feel calmer and happier.

Tip 9: Don’t neglect your mental health

Mental health is typically the first thing women neglect. If you are struggling mentally, don’t neglect it. Go see your doctor, and take care of your mental health for yourself and your family.

Tip 10: Create a simple routine, one you can thrive on

My family lives on routine. Some people think we are crazy, but that’s okay. I’m not losing my mind every single day. Create a simple routine for your family. One you and your children can thrive on. Here’s how to create a simple routine for your family.

Read: Be a stay-at-home mom on a small budget

The Last Thing You Need to Know About Self Care as a Stay at Home Mom.

You can’t neglect yourself. Being a stay-at-home mom is hard work. Heck, being a working mom and a mom, in general, is absolutely hard. No one is perfect and no one is doing it the right way. Whatever your way is, don’t neglect your self-care. Take care of yourself because your children need you!

Do you have a tip to share on becoming a peaceful mom? I would love to hear it! Share your best tips below and I will share them with my readers.

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