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12 MORE Ways to Be A Peaceful Mom

12 MORE Ways to Be A Peaceful Mom

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peaceful mom

Being a peaceful mom is something that all mothers strive for.

However, finding ways to achieve being a peaceful mom can be difficult when you are constantly running around and taking care of others. In this blog post, I will discuss 12 MORE habits of peaceful moms. These tips will help you relax and enjoy your time with your children without feeling stressed!

As a new parent, bringing a preemie home from the NICU was highly stressful. I put her in bubble wrap (figuratively, though I would’ve done it literally if I wouldn’t be judged.) I analyzed and stressed over EVERYTHING.

That was 9.5 years ago. Today I can safely say I have mellowed out during this parenting gig. There are few things more important to me than creating a peaceful home life for my children.

You are probably reading this because you want to create a peaceful home life for your family. So whether you are just getting started or looking for tips in your parenting arsenal, you have come to the right place.

Here are 12 MORE ways you can be a more peaceful mom. You can read the first post here: 12 Habits of Peaceful Moms.

Give Your Child Autonomy

One way to create a peaceful home is to give your child autonomy. This doesn’t mean that you let them run wild, but it does mean that you allow them to make choices and have a say in what goes on in the household. When children feel like they have some control over their environment, they are more likely to be peaceful and content.

What does it mean to give your child more autonomy?

-Allowing them to choose their own outfit for the day

-Let them help with dinner by setting the table or picking out a recipe

-Give them a choice in bedtime stories

-Let them pick out a toy to take on a car ride

-Encourage them to help with chores around the house like feeding the dog or taking out the trash.

Pick Your Battles

It is also essential to pick your battles as a parent. You cannot win every fight; sometimes, arguing with your child over something minor is not worth it. However, if you can let go of the small stuff, you will find that parenting is much more enjoyable and peaceful.

Some things that you can let go of:

-The way your child wants to wear their hair

-Eating with their fingers

-Wearing pajamas all-day

-Having a messy room

(These are just examples, some things will be more important to each family. The best thing to ask is, WHY is this particular battle SO important.)

Remember, it is essential to pick your battles! Choose the fights that are worth having and let go of the rest. A good rule of thumb is this: Think about whether or not this action will affect their character in the long run? Is what your child wearing today going to affect how they treat the kid down the street? What about if your child is constantly being disrespectful to you?

My go-to: If it’s a heart issue, it’s a battle I must choose. Otherwise, I let it go.

Remember Your Child is There Own Person

One of the most important things to remember as a parent is that your child is their own person. They are not you, and they will not make the same choices that you make. Therefore, respecting their autonomy and allowing them to be themselves is important.

-Encourage them to express their feelings

-Give them the space to explore their interests

-Allow them to make mistakes and learn from them

-Respect their privacy

-Encourage them to be independent thinkers.

Don’t Compare Yourself to Other Parents.

Another peaceful parenting tip is to avoid comparing yourself to other parents. Every family is different, and every parent has their unique parenting style. Just because someone else is doing something differently than you does not mean that they are doing it wrong.

What are some things you can do instead of comparing yourself to other parents?

-Focus on your own family and what works for you

-Talk to other parents about their parenting styles and learn from them

-Be open to new ideas and try out new things

-Remember that there is no one right way to parent.

Don’t Compare Your Children to Other Children.

Just as you should avoid comparing yourself to other parents, you should also avoid comparing your children to other children. Every child is different, and they will all develop at their own pace. Comparing your child to others will only make them feel inferior and can damage your relationship with them.

Focus on Your Relationship With Your Child

Instead of focusing on how your child measures up to others, focus on your relationship with them. Spend time talking to them, playing with them, and getting to know them. This will help you understand them better and make parenting much more enjoyable.

Fill Up Your Child’s Bucket Regularly

One of the best ways to peacefully parent is to regularly fill up your child’s bucket. What does that mean? It means ensuring your child feels loved, appreciated, and valued. When you try to do this, you will find that your child is much more cooperative and well-behaved.

How can you fill up your child’s bucket?

-Make time for them every day

-Tell them you love them often

-Praise them when they do something good

-Encourage and support their interests and talents

-Show them physical affection. (hugs, kisses, etc.)

Take time Every day to Relax and Recharge.

For peaceful parenting, you must take time every day to relax and recharge. This will help you to avoid burnout and will allow you to be the best parent you can be.

How can you relax and recharge?

-Take a break from technology

-Take a hot bath

-Read your favorite book

-Go for a walk

-Spend time with friends or family

-Do something you enjoy.

Find Your Village

Finding your village is one of the most important things you can do for peaceful parenting. This means finding other parents who you can connect with and who will support you in your journey. When you have a robust support system, parenting becomes much easier.

How can you find your village?

-Join a parent group

-Attend a parenting class

-Talk to other parents

-Find online resources

-Reach out to family and friends.

Be Honest With Your Child About Your Expectations

It is important to be honest with your child about your expectations. If you set unrealistic expectations, you will only end up disappointed and frustrated. Instead, be clear about what you expect from your child and help them understand why it is important.

What are some things you can do to be honest with your child about your expectations?

-Be clear about your expectations

-Explain why you have these expectations

-Give them specific examples

-Make sure the expectations are realistic and achievable.

Encourage Them to Express Their Feelings

A peaceful parenting tip is to encourage your child to express their feelings. It is vital for children to feel like they can talk to you about their feelings and that you will listen to them. Children who feel like they can express themselves are more likely to behave well.

How can you encourage your child to express their feelings?

-Make time to talk to them every day

-Ask them how their day was and really listen to what they say

-Encourage them to talk about their feelings

-Validate their feelings and let them know it is okay to feel whatever they feel.

Be patient with your children and understand that they are learning and growing.

Just like you are. Peaceful parenting is a journey; there will be good and bad days. The most important thing is to focus on your relationship with your child and make sure they feel loved, valued, and appreciated. If you can do this, you will be well on your way to being a peaceful parent.

What are some things you can do to be a more peaceful parent?

-Make time for your children every day

-Encourage them to express their feelings

-Fill up their buckets regularly

-Be honest with your child about your expectations

-Find your village. (a group of supportive parents)

-Take Time

Set clear boundaries

Set clear boundaries with your children and be consistent with enforcing them. Peaceful parenting is all about creating a calm environment for your family. When you have clear boundaries, it helps to reduce stress and chaos in the home.

What are some things you can do to set clear boundaries?

-Be clear about what the expectations are

-Explain the consequences of not following the expectations

-Make sure the boundaries are realistic and achievable

-Be consistent with enforcing the boundaries.

Be On the Same Page As Your Spouse

Peaceful parenting is much easier when you and your spouse are on the same page. When you are both working together, it makes it easier to manage your children and your home. Communicate with your spouse regularly about your parenting goals and expectations.

What are some things you can do to be on the same page as your spouse?

-Communicate with your spouse regularly

-Make sure you are both on the same page with your parenting goals

-Have regular family meetings to discuss how everyone is doing

-Work together as a team.

Being a Peaceful Mom is a journey; there will be good and bad days. 

The most important thing is to focus on your relationship with your child and make sure they feel loved, valued, and appreciated. If you can do this, you will be well on your way to being a peaceful parent.

You can be a more peaceful parent: making time for your children every day, encouraging them to express their feelings, filling up their buckets regularly, being honest with your child about your expectations, and finding your village. (a group of supportive parents) It is also essential to set clear boundaries with your children and consistently enforce them. Peaceful parenting is much easier when you and your spouse are on the same page. Communicate with your spouse regularly about your parenting goals and expectations.

What are some things you can do to be a more peaceful parent? Share in the comments below!

If you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends! And if you want to get started on your own peaceful parenting journey, be sure to check out my Peaceful Parenting Planner. Thanks for reading!

Related: 14 Best Tips To Overcome Angry Mommy Today

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