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5 Tips For A Calm and Peaceful Thanksgiving

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5 Wonderful Tips For A Calm And Peaceful Thanksgiving This Year

There’s no getting around it. The holidays can be a stressful time for families. Is it even possible to have a peaceful Thanksgiving?

With this year bringing about new challenges and changes, there’s bound to be stress popping up on Thanksgiving day.

But thankfully, it is possible for you to have a calm and peaceful Thanksgiving this year, no matter what it may look like!

I typically steer clear of anything that can be divisive on this blog, and I will continue to do so. But it is also my goal to share ways to create a peaceful environment when you feel like you are losing grip. This year, many people are feeling like they are losing grip. There are so many uncertainties, stressors, and hardship going around for many people.

But we all know, the year keeps going. That means holidays aren’t on hold. Holidays are a great distraction and can be a joyous day for our families. But they can also be stressful, especially if you are already stressed.

Thanksgiving is a day of thankfulness, not stress.

Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday that reminds us to be thankful and to teach our children how to be grateful.

Despite what is going on in the world. Many of us can find something to be thankful for.

If you are like me and want to give your family a peaceful and calm Thanksgiving this year, despite what is going on in the world, I want you to know it is possible.

It’s never easy to put aside what is stressing us out and focus on what to be thankful for.

But it is absolutely worth it. It’s always a great idea to take a step back and take a look at our lives and what we are grateful for. Doing so really puts many things in perspective.

Being a peaceful and calm person doesn’t mean you don’t feel stress or that you are pretending everything is okay. It means that you choose everyday to look at what you are thankful for and you choose to enjoy your life to the fullest.

How can you have a calm and peaceful Thanksgiving with so much going on?

It’s true. There’s so much that has hit us this year. This is also true for previous years. Hardships are nothing new.

But you can choose to have a calm and peaceful Thanksgiving, despite what is going on.

Peace is more desirable than stress.

Isn’t it? Who likes to be stressed out and worried all the time? Sometimes we can’t help it. But it all comes down to your choices.

How? You can choose to look at the bright side of things. Easier said than done. I know. But stress will do nothing but stress you out even more.

When you choose peace and calmness, you will be able to think clearly and rationally. Instead of letting your emotions take a hold of you. You may be able to see the bigger picture or a way to change your circumstances. You will also be able to enjoy your family to the fullest. Isn’t that what we all want as moms?

5 Wonderful Tips For A Calm And Peaceful Thanksgiving This Year

Let go of what you cannot control

You cannot control everything. You cannot control people either. I tell my oldest daughter this all the time.

She has an innate need to want to control every situation and even control the actions of other people. (Don’t most of us?) But the truth is, she can’t, and neither can we.

You cannot control everything that is going on around you. You cannot control your neighbor or your family members.

However, you can control your reactions to these situations and people. You control YOU.

Learn to let go of what you cannot control. This may be harder for some than others. But at a time when we are gathering together or (virtually ) together and giving thanks for our blessings, it’s a good idea to take a step back, a deep breath and decide you will let go of control.

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have opinions and ideas about different things. But you can decide to say “I choose joy over worrying about controlling these situations.” If something comes up on Thanksgiving Day that you cannot control try to have a mindset of “I will not let this ruin my peaceful Thanksgiving day.”

Be mindful of unnecessary stressors

Many stressors that pop up are unnecessary.

Did you take on too much? Decide to cook too much food? Maybe you are worrying about who does what and less about enjoying your family. (this goes back to control.)

Whatever stresses you out on the holidays, take a step back and start looking at unnecessary stressors.

When you remove unnecessary stressors from your holiday and even your every day life, you will start to feel more peaceful and calm. When you are more peaceful and calm, you will be able to enjoy your day and family more to their fullest.

Love people for who they are. Not who you want them to be.

People are … well, people.

You will not agree with every decision someone makes with their life. Love them anyway.

You are not them and they are not you.

Just because someone is different and disagrees with you, does not mean you cannot love them. Look past those things you disagree with and love them anyway.

Learn that it’s okay to say no.

Even though you love someone for who they are, you can still stay true to who you are.

What do I mean by this?

It is healthy to set boundaries with people, especially if you feel they overstep or that it’s necessary. Sometimes it is important to learn to say no.

People say no for all kinds of reasons. No because it goes against their morals or conscience. No because they are burnt out and need to set priorities. When a person says no, it doesn’t mean they don’t love or care for whoever is asking something from them.

No simply means no.

Being able to say no can help you focus on what is most important to you, what your boundaries are and also take away unnecessary stressors that you do not need nor want in your life right now.

Focus on the positive

Yes, this year may be different from the others. That doesn’t mean you cannot focus on the positives.

Take a look at what your blessings are. What are you fortunate to have? What positives are in your life?

For me, my family is healthy, we have full stomachs and a roof over our heads. Yes, some people cannot say all of those things. But there are positives in most every situation, they just need to be found.

Make a list if you need to of all the blessings and positives that you have in your life. This is a great exercise for children as well! This will help all of us learn to be just a little more grateful for the lives we have been given and the people who are in our lives.

Why Your Family and You Need A Calm And Peaceful Thanksgiving This Year

This year has been hard for so many people. With emotions raging, it’s important to put aside arguments and passions and create a warm and calm environment for your family, especially your children. Children need stability, and they can get it from you. This Thanksgiving, do what you have to do to or need to do in order to create a calm and peaceful day for yourself as well as your family! You deserve a no-stress holiday, don’t you think?

Related: 14 Best Tips To Overcome Angry Mommy Today

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