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7 Simple Tips For the Overwhelmed Mom

7 Simple Tips For the Overwhelmed Mom

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Feeling overwhelmed can be normal for a mom.

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Have you ever had a season in your parenting journey where you just feel overwhelmed and stressed? The truth is every mom goes through this stage. Depending on your circumstances, it can last for a couple of days or even months. Being stressed and overwhelmed does not mean you are a bad mom. It does not mean that you’re failing. It simply means that you’re normal. You need to take care of yourself and what you are going through as a mom to take care of those you are responsible for and love.

Why do we need to take on everything and be perfect? 

We can often become overwhelmed and stressed as moms because we have to take on everything and be that perfect mom.

We have so many people telling us outside of our four walls the best way to be a mom. But there are many ways to be a good mom and no way to be perfect.

When we let go of the desire and thought that we have to be perfect to be a good mom, our stress and overwhelm subside a little bit.

This won’t mean you don’t have other reasons to feel stressed and overwhelmed in your motherhood journey.

Reasons Why You Can Feel Like An Overwhelmed Mom

Tough season

Sometimes as a mom, you simply go through a tough season. Seasons can last for several days, several months, or even years. Sometimes it can be because you’re dealing with an unexpected medical circumstance in your family. You could be going through a tough stage with your children or a different type of tough season. But tough seasons add to our stress, and we are overwhelmed. 

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Transitions as a family can also add to our stress as moms.

In 2019 we adopted a little boy from Vietnam, and this past year has been one big transition adapting as a family.

There are other transitions that you can go through as a mom. You can move, have a new baby, or have a new work situation. Several different transitions can disrupt the flow of peace in your house.

No support 

Sometimes it boils down to not having any support or the support you need as a mom. 

Taking on too much 

Other times we feel as moms, we need to be able to do everything and do it all perfectly. We can start feeling overwhelmed and stressed when we take on too much.

Stressors (financial, contention with those close to us, outside factors) 

Also, stressors outside our household or even inside our household can affect our stress levels and causes us to be overwhelmed as moms. These stressors can include financial stressors, a disagreement or dissension with somebody you love, someone in your family or your friend, or outside stresses that affect your family life.

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How to help yourself when you are feeling like an overwhelmed mom

The good news is you don’t have to stay stressed and overwhelmed as a mom. It’s not something that just comes with the territory. There are certain things you can do to help feel your very best and be able to be there for your family.

Lower your expectations of yourself 

Sometimes it all boils down to expecting too much out of ourselves. I’ve been there before.

We expect ourselves to be able to just do it all. It means we are the best mom, right?

However, the truth is you are the best mom for your kids regardless of whether you take on everything. But you can be your very best when you take care of yourself, and you don’t expect yourself to be able to do everything all the time. This is a form of self-care.

Talk to someone who understands 

It helps in life when you have someone in your corner. Talking to someone who understands, has been there, or is walking along this journey with you can be tremendously helpful. When we feel isolated and alone as moms, our stress levels and triggers can increase.

Get moving 

Exercise or simply walking outside can do wonders for a person’s soul. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed as a mom, I encourage you to get outside if you can go for a walk and clear your head.

Or possibly start an exercise routine that can help you with your endorphins and help you feel less stressed. Exercise has been proven to reduce your stress level and help you feel your very best.

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Name 7 things you are thankful for 

When I start feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and aggravated with my family or myself, it helps when I take a moment to just be thankful for what I have in my life. Take a piece of paper and write down seven things or more that you are grateful for. This can help put your mind in perspective.

Make time for yourself. 

Make time for yourself. This is self-care.

Do not put yourself on the back burner because the more you neglect yourself and your needs, the more likely you will start feeling stressed and resentful. This is because you have to take care of everybody else, but you can’t take care of yourself.

Do not feel selfish for making time for yourself and taking care of your needs. You need to get out of the house by yourself. Do it if you need to go get coffee with a friend. Do something that will make time for you.

Be present 

When our minds are thinking about something that has to get done or something that is stressing us out, like a sickness in the family or financial problems, this can up your stress level making it hard to enjoy your children and family.

One thing that can help is to make it a point to be present at the moment with your family, and with your friends and try not to think and be stressed about everything that has to get done.

This can help lower your anxiety level when you take one thing at a time. Do you know the saying, “we’ll cross that bridge when we get there?” This applies to real motherhood life.

Take something off your to-do list. 

Sometimes reducing your stress level and feelings of being overwhelmed as a mom boil down to taking something off your to-do list.

If you are still feeling stressed and overwhelmed, I encourage you to look at what is on your to-do list and think about the things that can wait.

What is something that you can put off until tomorrow or next week that is not as dire as you think it is? Take it off and put it on a different day’s to-do list.

Remember, you are only human. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed and stressed. 

Try to remember that you are not perfect. You are only human. There are no such things as perfect moms. And there are no such things as moms who are always peaceful.

It’s just not possible; if anyone tells you otherwise, they lie to you. Yes, there are things that we can do to help be peaceful and calm the majority of the time, but life will throw you curveballs. There will be days you wake up on the wrong side of the bed. The best thing you can do for yourself and your family is to give yourself grace, give your family grace, and try again.

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