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How to Make Unicorn Popcorn

How to Make Unicorn Popcorn

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Learn to make this simple and delicious unicorn popcorn!

unicorn popcorn

Is your child into unicorns? What about popcorn? Mix the two and you have unicorn popcorn!

Those magical creatures seem to be the craze here lately. All of a sudden my oldest daughter developed a love for all things unicorn. She recently found a show on Netflix called Mia and Me. This show has unicorns in it, including one lovable baby unicorn. She instantly fell in love, all she could talk about was this little baby unicorn.

I love to delve into my children’s passions and curiosities. So I decided to do something fun with my kiddos over our long weekend and make unicorn popcorn!

My girls have an obsession with popcorn. Which probably comes from our weekly movie, pizza, popcorn night we have every Friday. If they could eat popcorn all day every day for every meal they would!

So I decided to research popcorn + unicorn and came up with a couple different recipes. After I figured out the gist of how to make it, I put my own spin on it and tada my kids were in heaven! (Disclaimer: I do want to note that my recipe has small candies in it. If you have a small child please watch them carefully with the candies, or adjust accordingly!)

To make Unicorn Popcorn you will need the following ingredients:

  1. 3 bags of popcorn (adjust accordingly to your family size)
  2. coconut oil
  3. candy of any kind (we got a small tube from Kroger in the baking aisle)
  4. white chocolate (if you can find colored chocolate that would work great! I could only find white)
  5. food coloring
  6. shredded coconut (optional but delicious!)
unicorn popcorn

First Pop your popcorn and put them in a bowl.

You can separate the popcorn, which is what I did, in order to dye them different colors.

Next add coconut oil and several drops of food dye (in your desired color) into a sauce pan. Melt and mix. After the oil is mixed and liquid, pour it over one bowl of popcorn. Mix well. This will give your popcorn a speckled appearance.

Repeat this step until you have all the colors you want. Mix your colored popcorn together.

Afterwards, melt your white chocolate and add desired colors of food dye. We chose only to do three colors, pink, purple and green. After the chocolate and food dye is mixed pour over your popcorn.

Add your candies and shredded coconut.

Then enjoy!

unicorn popcorn

There you have it. A simple recipe for unicorn popcorn your family will be sure to enjoy!

unicorn popcorn

When I was out shopping this weekend I ran across these cute oversized bins for popcorn! They were at the dollar store and I knew we needed them! They are perfect for movie night and my girls love them.

We will definitely be using them this weekend to go along with our movie night tradition.

Are you looking for new traditions to start with your family? Here are ten fun and easy traditions you can start with your kids this week!

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