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Simple Thankful Turkey

Simple Thankful Turkey

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This past week, I was trying to wrack my brain to figure out a fun and cute craft for the kids to do. I thought, let’s keep it simple and do a thankful turkey.

As of late, I have been feeling uninspired. It could be that I have four kids and homeschooling or having a toddler run around. Regardless, I used to be more creative than I was.

But I digress. The kids loved putting together these fun and simple thankful turkeys, and I am sure your kiddos will, too! You need a few items. Try using whatever you have on hand!

How to Make a Thankful Turkey


  • Paper plate
  • Brown paint
  • Pain brush
  • Markers
  • White paper or construction paper


First, have your child paint their paper plate brown and allow it to dry.

Next, trace their hands on white paper or construction paper. I opted for white paper because we were all out of construction paper. I just let the kids color their hands, whatever color they want to use to make the turkey feathers.

Write what your kids are grateful for on the feather hands!

When the brown paint is dry, glue the hands to the back of the paper plate and then draw the turkey face! I know we used pink on one of the turkeys; we were out of red. I’m a big advocate for using what you have!

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