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How to Tell When Your Child Needs Extra Support

How to Tell When Your Child Needs Extra Support

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How to tell when your child needs extra support and how to give it

As a parent, it is vital to recognize the triggers and cues that your child displays. If you know what they are, you will provide them with the extra support they need. In this blog post, we explore eight ways to be ready to support your child:

Be aware of your child’s triggers –

 Pay attention to what sets off your child. Triggers can be anything from sound, smell, or taste. For example, not getting enough sleep or even feeling hungry. Once you know what these are, you can work on avoiding them or helping your child cope when encountered.

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– Watch for cues – 

Your child may not always display obvious signs that they need extra support. However, sometimes they will give subtle cues such as withdrawing or becoming agitated. If you are attentive, you will pick up on these and provide the necessary assistance.

– Take note of changes in behavior –

 It is essential to monitor any changes in your child’s typical behavior patterns. Changes can be anything from eating and sleeping habits to playing and interacting with others. If there are any changes, it could indicate that your child needs some extra help.

– Don’t hesitate to ask for help –

 If you feel overwhelmed or unsure of handling a situation, don’t be scared to ask for help from specialists or other parents. There is no shame in realizing that you need help and seeking out the available resources.

– Be patient – 

It may take time for your child to adjust to new supports or therapies. Be patient and consistent with them, and eventually, you will see progress.

– Celebrate successes – 

When your child achieves something, big or small, make sure to celebrate it! Celebrating will help boost their confidence and let them know that they can do anything if they work hard.

– Keep the line of communication open with your children.-

Make sure to talk openly with your children about what they are going through. Talking will help them feel supported and not alone. It will also give you a better understanding of their feelings and what might help them the most.

– Listen to your child. – 

It helps if you listen when your child speaks up about their triggers and cues. If they tell you something, make sure not to dismiss it or downplay its importance because what might seem like a small thing could be very significant for them!

– Be consistent with them – 

Consistency is perhaps one of the essential things you can do as a parent. Be consistent with your child in supporting them, both emotionally and practically. Consistency will help them to feel safe and secure, knowing that they can rely on you no matter what.

– Show them love and compassion – 

Above all else, let your child know that you love them and are there for them. Always provide them with warmth, understanding, and compassion no matter what happens. Empathy will go a long way in helping your child through difficult times.

We hope that this blog post has been helpful! 

If you have any questions or want more information about supporting your child, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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