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21 Peaceful Parenting Mantras

21 Peaceful Parenting Mantras

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21 Peaceful Parenting Mantras to Help Calm You Down

What is a parenting mantra?

Have you ever had a day where everything seems to go wrong? You just can’t get it together, work is a mess, and your children are melting down. We tend to wear our emotions on our sleeves. This is when having a parenting mantra comes in handy.

But what exactly is a parenting mantra?

A parenting mantra is a quote or a saying you repeat to remind yourself what your vision is as a mom, who your children are, and what is truly important.

It’s easy to wear our emotions on our sleeves. When our children are melting down and flipping their lids, it’s easy to give in and flip our lids too. But when we flip our lids in return, it does very little to help our children and the current situation.

Having a parenting mantra to repeat will help bring your focus back around and calm down when you start to feel aggravated.

Why should every mom have a parenting mantra?

Every mom should have a parenting mantra because no mom is perfect.

Every one of us has a bad day. And every one of us will flip our lids at one point or another.

It is when we start to give in and flip our lids all too often, that we need to re-evaluate our approach to when our child’s tantrums.

Having a parenting mantra can help you become more of the peaceful mom you desire to be.

Related: How to stop yelling at your children.

Does having a parenting mantra really calm you down?

Yes! In my own personal experience, having something to repeat that helps bring my vision for my family into focus, helps me calm down.

Repeating a parenting mantra will remind you of your focus and your goals, as well as, reminding you that you and your children are simply humans, in no way perfect. There are better ways to reach the heart of your child than yelling.

What can you do while chanting your parenting mantra?

When you are reaching the point of frustration, one of the best things to do is get alone for a few minutes.

Being alone helps us focus on ourselves and calming ourselves down, instead of our children and the situation.

If you are able, get alone, and repeat your mantra. You may be okay after a minute or two, or you may need to spend 5-10 calming yourself down. But doing so will better equip you to deal with whatever situation you are facing calmly and peacefully. Without flipping your lid.

21 Peaceful Parenting Mantras to Help Calm You Down.

I can only control myself.

This parenting mantra is one of my very favorites. I repeat it often. Even when it comes to situations with adults, not just my children.

In the grand scheme of things, the only true thing you can control is yourself.

You don’t control your children. You don’t control your spouse.

We cannot control the people around us, their thoughts, their actions, their feelings, though we may try.

But we shouldn’t want to control people. The only person we should want to control is ourselves.

Instead, we can focus on guiding our children, helping them explore who they are, and enjoy the process.

We’re moving on.

Do you ever feel stuck in frustration?

I do. There was a time earlier this week that my oldest daughter melted down while she was doing her school work. She gets stuck in a rut thinking she can’t do something, so she doesn’t try. The meltdown ensues.

I am tempted sometimes to flip my lid too right alongside her. But I chose this week to simply say, we’re moving on.

Do you know what happened? She took a five-minute break, I took a five-minute break. We both calmed down and she came back focused and ready to move on from what was happening.

I’m bringing calm to my home and family.

As moms, we are responsible for the atmosphere in our homes.

Is it always fair? No. But it’s the truth. My children feed off of my energy and so does my spouse.

If I’m cranky and annoyed, they become cranky and annoyed. The house doesn’t feel peaceful.

We can choose every day to be the steady force in our home, the calm in the sea when everything else seems chaotic on the outside. We can choose to bring calm and peace to our homes and our families.

Our relationship is my first priority.

When your child is melting down, it’s easy to see the situation as hand as something we need to take care of, something that is our first priority.

But your relationship with your child is your first priority.

Our frustrations and annoyances with situations and behavior, when taken out on our children in a harsh way, such as yelling, is damaging to them.

When we flip our lids right alongside our children, we do nothing to truly help them. We are simply adding to the stress and chaos in our homes.

Take a step back and remember that your relationship with your child is your first priority.

When we look at our relationships with our children and not the situation at hand, it is easier to come up with better ways to connect to their hearts.


This one is simple. Just breathe.

It’s easy to forget to breathe when we are presented with chaotic behavior from our children. But we need to be their calm in their chaos. The best way to do this is to remember to breathe.

I am trying my best.

You are a great mother.

The absolute truth is, we are only humans, trying our very best.

Have you ever melted down right alongside your children and then beat yourself up about it?

Don’t. Remind yourself that you are doing your very best. Sometimes our best comes up short, doesn’t look like what we think it should. We get up in the morning and try again.

Tomorrow is a new day.

This is such a great promise.

Tomorrow is a new day.

You can start again. Try over, try better. This is also a great mantra to teach to your children. Especially if they get stuck on mistakes of the past. Remind them that tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start.

I am the right parent for my child.

I believe that God gave us the children he knew we needed.

He gave you your children because you are the right parent for them.

We can’t get stuck in the pit of feeling sorry for ourselves or like we aren’t good enough when we make a mistake.

Remind yourself that you are the right parent for your child.

My child is simply a child.

I think that sometimes we forget that children are simply children. They are learning, they have big emotions, and live in a big world that doesn’t make sense half the time. Their little minds can’t comprehend everything. I mean honestly, does your adult mind comprehend everything that goes on around you all the time?

It’s easier for them to feel overwhelmed and out of control. Remind yourself that your child’s tantrum or meltdown is NOT your child but simply a byproduct of the emotions they are feeling. Your child is simply a child.

I will pause before I react.

Practicing the pause has become something I try to do whenever I feel overwhelmed and chaotic right along with my children.

Pause and remember that you can stop and collect yourself before you react.

I am not alone in this.

You are not alone. There are people around you that can help. Most moms experience the exact same things you are experiencing right now with your children.

Reach out and find a tribe, do you have family or friends to reach out to. It helps to know we aren’t alone in situations.

I am my child’s safe space.

When your child is melting down, there is always one constant. YOU. You are their safe space. The place they can run when they feel overwhelmed.

Connect before I correct.

It’s easy to want to correct our child’s misbehavior right away.

But there are easier ways to connect with our child before you correct them. Connection with their heart can reach them and affect their behavior more than yelling or constant correction can ever do.

I am in charge of being calm no matter how my child behaves.

You are in charge of you.

You cannot control your child or the people around you. But you can’t control yourself. And You are in control of your calm no matter how the people around you, even your children, are acting.

I will not live in reaction to my child.

Living in reactions to situations is no life at all.

There will be situations beyond your control. Don’t live each moment in reaction to your child. Find your calm and focus on controlling your calm despite what is going on around you.

Anxiety is contagious. And so is calm.

Have you ever been around an anxious person? I have. Anxiety can be contagious.

It’s easy to feed into a person’s anxiety and allow it to affect you. But did you know calm is contagious too? When you are calm, your children will feed off of your calmness. When you are anxious your children will feed off of your anxiety.

While having a conversation with someone a few months ago, she mentioned that she had learned through research that when you are pregnant with a child how the mother is feeling during the pregnancy can be present in the child’s personality after birth.

Now I don’t know for sure where she read this, but I can believe it. When I was pregnant with my oldest daughter I had a ton of anxiety. She is my most anxious child, highly sensitive, and prone to feeling overwhelmed. I felt more chill with my youngest daughter and her personality is also pretty chill.

Our children feed off of us whether we want them to our not.

This too shall pass.

Everything always passes. No matter what. The days keep going.

The situation you are in will also pass.

Love is almost always the answer.


Yes, love is almost always the answer to any situation, especially when it comes to your children.

You’ve got this.

You are a wonderful mother.

You can handle whatever your children and live throws at you!

You’ve got this.

Do what you can. Let the rest go.

This is a great mantra to repeat for life in general.

You can do what you can and then let whatever you can’t go.

I am exactly who my children need.

You are exactly who your child needs.

Related: 14 Best Tips To Overcome Angry Mommy Today

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