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10 Ways to Stay Calm and Anger-Free as a Mom

10 Ways to Stay Calm and Anger-Free as a Mom

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Sometimes being a mom is hard.

Especially when our kids are fighting or when we have to discipline them, it can be easy to lose our calm and become angry in the moment. How do we stay calm and anger-free when we feel so frustrated?

But this doesn’t have to happen! You can do things during these moments of frustration to calm down and make sure that your children get the best version of you possible.

In this post, I will talk about ten ways to stay calm as a mom and anger-free with your kids today!

Before we get to the ten tips, let’s talk about the importance of kicking angry mommy to the curb.

When we are angry, our kids can feel it. They can sense the tension in the air, and they often react to it by becoming more defiant or oppositional.

When we are calm and peaceful – it makes our kids feel safe and secure. So, when we lose our calm, not only are we compromising our mood, but we’re impacting our child’s emotional state as well.

Not only that, but research shows that children who live with chronically angry parents are at a higher risk for developing mental health problems such as anxiety and depression later in life.

We need to find ways to deal with frustration and become calm and anger-free in healthy ways so that we don’t put our children at risk.

And that’s where our ten tips come in!

Tip #01: Take a Time-Out for Yourself

When you’re feeling frustrated, it can be beneficial to take a time-out for yourself. But, of course, this doesn’t mean that you have to go off and hide in another room – although if that’s what you need, then, by all means, do it!

It does mean that you should take some time to calm down and relax. You can do this by taking some deep breaths, meditating, or doing something else that will help you calm down. Once you’ve calmed down, you’ll be able to approach the situation with a more clear mind and be less likely to react angrily.

Tip #02: Express Your Feelings

It’s important to express your feelings, both positive and negative. If you bottle them up, they will only continue to build until they eventually explode. And when that happens, it’s usually not pretty.

Finding a way to express your frustration and not bottle it up is healthy. This could be through writing, talking to a friend or therapist, or even punching a pillow! Just make sure that you’re not taking out your anger on your children – that’s not healthy.

Tip #03: Avoid Power Struggles

One of the quickest ways to become angry is to get into a power struggle with your child. So, try to avoid power struggles with your children as much as possible!

There are many different ways to avoid power struggles with your children:

  • Set boundaries and rules that are reasonable and easy to follow
  • Avoid using threats or punishments
  • Don’t argue with your child – instead, listen to what they have to say
  • Try not to take things personally

  • When you try your best to avoid power struggles, it will make life a lot easier (and less frustrating) for both you and your children.

Tip #04: Take a Break from Technology

It can be tempting to turn to television or Ipads for relief when we’re feeling frustrated. After all, it’s so easy to zone out in front of the TV or computer screen.

But this isn’t always healthy. For example, studies show that spending too much time on screens can lead to depression and irritability.

So, try to take a break from technology when you’re feeling frustrated. This could mean putting your phone away for an hour or two, turning off the TV, or spending some time outside in nature together.

When you unplug and detach yourself from technology, you’ll be able to calm down and focus on the situation at hand.

Tip #05: Get Some Exercise

Exercise is a great way to release anger and frustration. It’s also a great way to calm down and clear your mind.
If you can, try to get some exercise whenever you’re feeling frustrated. This doesn’t have to be anything significant – even taking a brisk walk around the block will help.

Not only will exercise help you feel calmer, but it will also release endorphins which will make you feel happier and more relaxed.

Tip #06: Take a Break from Parenting

Even though we love our children, many times we need a break from parenting. And that’s okay!

There are many ideas to help you get a break from parenting:

  • Leave your child with a trusted friend or family member while you go out for the evening
  • Hire a babysitter so you can have some time to yourself
  • Take a day trip or weekend getaway without your child
    Taking some time away from parenting allows you to relax and recharge – something that every mom needs. There is nothing wrong with taking time for yourself as a mom when you need it.

Tip #07: Talk to Other Parents

When we’re feeling frustrated, it can be constructive to talk to other parents. They will understand what you’re going through, and they can offer helpful advice.

Ways you can connect with other parents:

  • Join an online parenting forum or support group- The Peaceful Nest has one you can join here!
  • Attend a mom’s night out or playgroup
  • Go to the park or library and chat with other moms there
    Talking to other parents is a great way to calm down, get some perspective, and make new friends.

Tip #08: Take a Relaxing Bath

Taking a relaxing bath can help you calm down and de-stress. Add some soothing aromatherapy, or add a few drops of lavender oil to your bathtub.

The warm water and calm atmosphere will help you relax and forget about your troubles for a while.

Tip #09: Listen to Soothing Music

When we’re feeling frustrated, it can be helpful to listen to calming music. This could be classical music, nature sounds, or even meditation music.

The idea is to create a way to soothe your mind and help you relax.

Tip #010: Find a Relaxing Hobby

If you’re having trouble calming down, it might help you find a relaxing hobby. This could be something like yoga, painting, or knitting.

When you focus on your hobby, you may feel fulfilled-and start seeing yourself more than the labels you put on yourself (just a mom, just a wife, etc., etc.) Yes, you are a mom and possibly a wife, but you are also SO much more!

Saying goodbye to angry mommy and becoming a calm, peaceful parent is vital to the health of your family and home. If you are looking for ideas to create a quiet and peaceful home life for your family, I highly recommend starting here with the tips to become calm and anger-free as a mom.

If you are looking for ways to create a calm and peaceful home life for your family, I highly recommend starting with these ten tips. These tips will help you stay calm and anger-free, which is essential for any mom!

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