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The Quick Guide to Becoming a Peaceful Person

The Quick Guide to Becoming a Peaceful Person

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Today I want to talk about how to become a peaceful person.

We know that peace comes from God. But how do we start receiving that peace?

I believe wholeheartedly it starts from having peace within ourselves

If we do not have peace with ourselves, there is no way that peace is going to emulate into our relationships and home.

If you are struggling with finding peace and keeping it, first look into yourself and see if you have peace there.

You may be asking yourself. How? How do I have peace with myself?

Here are a few ways to become a peaceful person.

1. Evaluate your relationship with God.

Peace comes from God. In order to have the peace of God, we need to evaluate our relationship with Him first. This is the first step to becoming a more peaceful person.

2. Be an honest person.

If you are not honest, and not trying to be honest, you will create for yourself more discord than if you would have otherwise.

That starts with being honest with ourselves as well.

3. Do not be a gossip.

There I said it.

Gossiping is one of the biggest “joys” so many people seem to participate in.

But what does God say about gossip?

In Ephesians 4:29 he says Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

In Proverbs 6:16-19 he states There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.

God tells us in his word to use our words to talk positive, not letting any corrupt talk come out of our mouths.

He also tells us he hates the lying tongue, those who tell lies about others, and those who sow discord among people.

What does sow discord mean?

It means those who cause problems on purpose between other people. That can include (but isn’t limited to) spreading gossip about people.

4. Don’t desire the knowledge of other people’s business.

This goes hand in hand with don’t be a gossip.

I tell my girls all the time “Worry about yourself, don’t worry about (insert other person’s name.)”

For example, if you are to busy spending your time worrying about other people, what is so and so doing in their lives right now, most of the time it has absolutely no bearing on you and your life.

You have less time to focus on yourself and family.

Doing so can cause an unsettled feeling in us. Because we are focused on what other people are doing. Two we are not focusing on what’s important around us.

One of my favorite quotes is “It is one of my sources of happiness never to desire the knowledge of other people’s business.” – Dolley Madison

5. Self Care.

As mothers’ we tend to neglect ourselves as we care for the needs of others.

But self-care is important to our mental health as well as our physical health.

You cannot draw from an empty well. Take the time to go out by yourself. Take a bath. Go on dates. Speak kindly to yourself. Go to the doctor.

Take care of yourself too.

Our children will also see how we take care of ourselves and emulate that into their own lives as they grow up.

6. Don’t overbook your schedule.

It can cause stress for us when we have to do too much.

There is no way to have peace within ourselves when we are overwhelmed.

Do you desire to be a more peaceful person but are struggling with where to start?

I hope these tips helped!

Have a wonderful day and do not forget to join me tomorrow morning as I talk about having peace in our marriage!

Like us on Facebook at The Peaceful Nest and Faith Actually: Living Life After Tragedy!

Have a beautiful day!

Jenna Jury

Diamond Kelley

Wednesday 21st of August 2019

Beautiful article! I really enjoyed and agreed with the all the tips. Thank you for writing this :)

Jenna Jury

Friday 23rd of August 2019

Thank you Diamond!

Having Peace In Our Marriages. – The Peaceful Nest

Tuesday 26th of June 2018

[…] I touched on having peace within ourselves. We can not begin to create peace in our lives until we develop it within ourselves. Yesterday I […]

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