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Fool Proof Way to Conquer Your Mornings

Fool Proof Way to Conquer Your Mornings

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If you are like I once was, you’re looking for a way to make your mornings smoother.

Once upon a time (and occasionally still), I would wake up to a shrill little girl yelling “MOMMY!!!! MOMMYYYYYY!!!” most mornings.

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I would frantically run up the stairs every morning. That shrill yell would fool me into thinking something was wrong. But every morning she would just smile at me from behind the gate and ask me to play with her.

I don’t like to do anything before my coffee.

So there I would be, half asleep, in my pajamas, trying to guzzle down coffee while playing with a two-year-old.

It was not the best way to start my morning. And I felt like my entire day was thrown together on a whim.

I knew something had to give. But what?

I am not a morning person. Dragging me out of bed before I have to get up is not an easy task. But I knew I needed to do something to get a handle on myself and give my best to my family.

If you are like I was and struggle to get a handle on your day and morning but long to find some tips to help you, you came to the right place!

I put together some tips I have found that makes my mornings smoother just for you! Apply a few of these tomorrow morning and you’ll see your entire day come together in a way you never thought possible!


If you have not already heard of her, I highly suggest checking out The FlyLady.

She is absolutely amazing and has some really great tips for getting your house and in turn your life together.

One of her first tips is to “shine your sink”. She talks about how waking up to a dirty sink is discouraging but waking up to a clean and shiny sink makes you feel as though you are ready to tackle the day.

Honestly, my least favorite chore is doing the dishes. But I notice every time I take 10 minutes and make the effort the night before to make sure my sink is clean, the next morning I wake up and smile.


Because I don’t have to worry about doing the dishes right away before the breakfast rush.

Try it!

You will be surprised at how it’ll make you feel the next day.


I used to struggle with when to do my laundry.

I never seemed to be able to remember when I tossed a load in the washer or dryer and it would sit for too long.

But then I discovered a routine that worked for me.

I throw a load of laundry into the washer when I am done cleaning up dinner. Before bed, I toss a load of clothes into the dryer.

When I wake up in the morning after I do the dishes I fold the laundry. I then put it away that evening when I am putting my kids to bed.

It’s not the perfect routine and sometimes I miss a step and get behind but when I stick to it I am able to keep the laundry under control.

I’m also able to work doing laundry into a routine that works well for me and my family.


This step may seem mundane but it works in my favor in the morning!

Update: My girls are old enough now where they will pick out and lay their own clothes out for the next day! Mommy win!

This way my kids and I have time to pick out our clothes and I don’t feel rushed in the morning to get them ready.

My daughter B likes to dawdle. When picking out her clothes for the day she’s as slow as a turtle.

When I have her do it the night before she can take more time and I don’t feel the need to rush her.

It really is a time saver.


This step about killed me when I started doing it. I hate waking up before I have to.

But I discovered that it was vital to myself and everyone else if I wanted to get my attitude right for the day.

In order to do that I had to wake up before my kids. This way I am not rushed into getting them ready while I’m not yet ready. I also have time to drink a cup (or two or three) of coffee before they wake.

I can do my devotions and have my prayer time with the Lord in the quiet and peaceful morning before the sun comes out as well as my kids.

Related Read: Do Routines Really Work?

I cherish this time to myself.

If your kids are like mine and wake up at early hours I highly suggest investing in an “okay to wake” alarm clock.

It is a clock that lights up when its “waking time” and helps your kiddos learn to stay in bed (or at least in their rooms) when it’s not quite time to get up.

This clock has been a great tool and sometimes sanity saver for our family.

 DO MY DEVOTIONS (Have Alone Time)

Spending time in prayer and with the Lord is the most important aspect of my day.

You can do this anytime you want to. If you prefer to spend time with God at night then, by all means, do that. I enjoy my prayer time in the morning because it is the first thing I do and it helps my mind focus on God and welcomes him into my day.

If you don’t do devotions you could spend this time alone, writing in a journal, reading, meditating, working out, or whatever it may be. Just get some alone time to prepare for your day.

On the mornings that I forget to do my devotions or don’t get that extra time to myself before the day starts, I feel rushed, my day is more hectic and crazier than I like.

This is why doing my devotions and prayers before the day starts help get me to get ready to tackle the rest of the day with a calm spirit.

Getting ready by myself without any little ones around has become important to me. I don’t have to worry about my three-year-old getting into my makeup or being asked 20 questions in a 60-second time span.

I love my children but I need my alone time in the mornings because it helps me be the best mom I can be.

I always want to give my best to my children.

These little habits have become my sanity savers throughout the last year. I cherish that time to myself.

Mornings have gradually become one of my favorite times of the day.

I like being able to prepare myself to give my best. I am more peaceful and my home is more peaceful. That is what I strive for every day.

A peaceful home.

Related Read: 9 Essential Tips to Becoming a Peaceful Mom When You’re Drowning in Chaos.

Give a few of these a try tomorrow and see your day unfold in a way you never thought possible!

What are some habits you have that help you prepare for your mornings?

Have a beautiful and peaceful day!

Jenna Jury

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This week’s blog posts  – Loving God's Beautiful Plan

Sunday 22nd of January 2017

[…] What You Can Do To Make Mornings Smoother Right Now […]


Sunday 22nd of January 2017

Great Advice!

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