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What do you expect of yourself as a mom?

What do you expect of yourself as a mom?

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How are you doing today, momma? We are halfway through the challenge!


It’s day 7 of the 14 Days of Peaceful Parenting Challenge! Today, we are going to take a look at what we expect of ourselves as moms. We often set goals and expectations for ourselves that are impossible to meet. We become frustrated with ourselves when we don’t reach these goals, and this only leads to more stress and unhappiness. In today’s post, we will discuss ways to re-evaluate your expectations and create new ones that are realistic and achievable.

First, look at the expectations you have for yourself as a mom.

Are they realistic? Do you expect yourself to be perfect? If so, it’s time to let go of that expectation! There is no such thing as a perfect mother- only mothers doing their best and constantly learning and evolving.

Next, ask yourself if your expectations lead to stress and unhappiness.

If the answer is yes, it’s time for a change! Setting goals that challenge us but don’t overwhelm us is important. Expecting too much from ourselves can lead to decreased productivity and anxiety.

Finally, ask yourself if your expectations are achievable.

If the answer is no, it’s time to set new goals! What we expect of ourselves must be realistic so that we can actually achieve them. When we don’t meet our unrealistic expectations, we only feel disappointed and discouraged.

 Expectations are a tricky topic to talk about.

We don’t like to think about what we expect of ourselves as moms because we think we should be able to do everything and not rely on anyone else. Maybe you are the type of person who has to do everything because you believe you are a woman and a super mom.

Maybe you lack support from your spouse or family, and no other people will help you do anything. Then all the responsibilities fall on you.

This can make it hard because your expectations of yourself become too high. When we do not meet the expectations that we have placed on ourselves, we start to beat ourselves up. Then maybe we fall into traps we set for ourselves, like comparing ourselves to other moms, feeling like we don’t have a life outside our family and children, etc. There are so many traps that we can set for ourselves. We have high expectations of ourselves.

What are your expectations as a mom? Are they reasonable?

Are you thinking about what your children need and what you need? While also being realistic with what you’re capable of doing and what you expect? These are all questions you need to ask yourself today during this challenge.

The truth of the matter is you are not able to do everything.

You are not built to do everything. You are not required to do everything as a mom. I remember one day, I went to my youngest child’s check-up. She was just a couple weeks old. She is my fourth living child, and she was born with a heart defect that left me feeling very stressed, overwhelmed, and, quite frankly, feeling a little bit alone.

After assessing her and reassuring me that she was growing the way she needed, my doctor looked at me very seriously and said, “Jenna, I know you like to try to take everything on yourself. Please, please, do not try to do everything on your own. You have four children and a lot of responsibilities. You do not need to do this on your own.” I thought I was good at hiding my desire to do everything independently from most people. But I was wrong. Sometimes, we need to hear this from someone other than those we love around us.

Momma, you do not have to do everything on your own.

. You can set your expectations for yourself to be realistic and reasonable. Remember you are not superwoman; you are not like superman. You are an awesome man. He was doing exactly what you need to for your children, but you do not need to do everything. Today’s challenges are about setting your expectations realistically.

So, how do we go about setting these new expectations?

Here are a few steps:

-Get clear on what you want. What are your goals for yourself as a mom? Be specific and write them down.

-Make sure your goals are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

-Set realistic deadlines for yourself. You can’t do everything overnight. Give yourself time to achieve your goals and make sure they are realistic.

-Break your goals into smaller steps to be more manageable.

Now it’s time to put these steps into action!

Take a few minutes to write down your new expectations for yourself as a mom. Be realistic and specific, and make sure they are achievable. When you have finished, put them somewhere you can see them daily. This will help keep you accountable and on track to meeting your goals!

I hope this post has helped you get clear on your expectations for yourself as a momma. Remember, it’s ok to set high standards for ourselves, but make sure they are realistic and achievable! We wish you all the best in reaching your goals!

Talk soon!


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