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What is a Mommy Slump?

What is a Mommy Slump?

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What is a Mommy Slump?

Have you ever heard of a mommy slump?

 Chances are you probably have. A mommy slump can happen for many reasons. 

Being in a mommy slump makes it difficult to be motivated. 

I experience a slump during the winter. Particularly during December. I know it’s coming, but sometimes a mommy slump hit us out of nowhere and makes life more difficult. 

If you are not sure if you are in a mommy slump you can ask yourself these questions:

Do I enjoy being around my family?

Are household chores difficult for me to get through or seem like a burden?

Does everything seem harder and less enjoyable?

Please note: I am not talking about anxiety or depression here, although they can certainly contribute to a mommy slump. I am not a doctor, these tips are meant to help ease the burden of feeling in a mommy slump. If you need to, seek medical care for anxiety and depression.

What are some ways we can get into a mommy slump? 

A few ways we can get into a mommy slump are:

  • Sabotaging ourselves.
  • Comparisons (ourselves and our kids)
  • Taking on too much.
  • Not practicing self-care.

Common Questions/FAQ About Mommy Slumps

  • How do you manage emotions as a mom? 
  • Managing emotions can be difficult as a mom. Some simple ways to do this: Practice self-care/self-love. Focus on those around you and who they are, not what you want them to be. 
  • Take it one day at a time and remember it’s okay to start over and to apologize to your children if you snap at them. 
  • What are some ways to practice self-care when you have no time?
    • Set aside 10-15 minutes every morning to spend time by yourself. 
    • Grab a quick cup of coffee or tea and sit outside for a few minutes, alone. 
    • Start a really good book when everyone is in bed. 
    • Take a hot shower while your spouse watches the kids. 
    • Become okay with saying no to commitments you don’t want. (bakes sale, coaching your child’s team, etc.)
  • How do you stop sabotaging yourself? 
    • Take it one day at a time.
    • Set mini-goals. 
    • Reward yourself for meeting those goals
  • Learn how to say no. 
    • Remember, it’s okay to say NO!
  • Quit the comparisons
    • Your family is not your friend’s family. Everyone is different with their unique personalities. Be proud of your family. If you want to read more about the comparison trap you can here. 

The Last Thing You Need to Know About Mommy Slumps

Mommy slumps do not have to last forever. There are ways to jump out of the slump! Below are ways you can stop the comparisons and practice self-care.

What is the comparison trap?

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