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Stay Calm When Your Child Is Melting Down

Stay Calm When Your Child Is Melting Down

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stay calm when child is melting down
It can be difficult to stay calm when your child is melting down.

It can be tough to stay calm when your child is melting down, but it is important to remember that you do not have to become frustrated with them. In fact, it is crucial that you don’t! Learning how to separate your emotions from your child’s emotions will go a long way in helping both of you stay calm and peaceful. Today we are going to talk about how to do just that.

If your child is frustrated, it is important to remember that their frustration is not about you. It might be tempting to take their behavior personally, but resist the urge! Their frustration is simply a response to whatever situation they are in, and it has nothing to do with you. Remembering this will help you stay calm and rational when responding to them.

When your child is upset, try to avoid reacting emotionally. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that their emotions are not about you. Respond calmly and rationally, using words that will soothe rather than aggravate. For example, if your child is throwing a tantrum, try saying something like, “I can see that you’re really angry right now. I’m here for you, and I will help you calm down.” or “I know that you’re upset, but we need to stay calm and figure out a solution.”

It can be difficult to remain calm in frustration, but it is crucial for you and your child. You will eventually become better at separating your emotions from theirs with practice. Remember to take things one day at a time, and don’t get discouraged if you have a bad day. Breathe deep, relax, and try again tomorrow!

Today’s challenge: When you face a situation where your child is melting down, practice controlling your emotions by counting to 10 and saying, “I am in charge of controlling myself and no one else.” See if it helps you separate your emotions from your child’s.

That’s all for today! Be sure to check back tomorrow for another challenge. Thanks for joining us! 🙂

Talk soon!


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